引用本文:唐昭帆,揭涛,苏毅,梁健. H2S废气反应炉燃烧数值模拟[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(6): 98-104.
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针对某炼油化工厂H2S反应炉设计的不同结构的燃烧器进行三维数值模拟,研究了不同燃烧器结构参数、燃料气成分与分配比例、反应炉花墙结构等因素对炉内流动与燃烧的影响,并确定了合理的燃烧器结构。结果 表明:原始燃烧器结构下,单烧酸性气工况时,降低内圈酸性气比例有利于H2S的完全燃烧,炉膛出口烟温有所提高;优化后的燃烧器结构较原始结构下,增强了内圈酸性气与空气的混合,更有利于H2S气体的燃烧;反应炉内花墙结构能造成炉膛内烟气回流,提高了烟气的停留时间,有利于H2S气体的燃烧完全;掺烧天然气工况较单烧酸性气工况,炉内燃烧变差。 
关键词:  H2S反应炉  燃烧器  燃烧特性  数值模拟
Numerical simulation of hydrogen sulfide waste gas reactor combustion
Tang Zhaofan, Jie Tao, Su Yi, Liang Jian
Shanghai Marine Diesel Engine Research Institute, ShangHai, China
Three-dimensional numerical simulation of designed burners with different structures which applied to a H2S incinerator was carried out. The influence of different burner structure parameters, fuel gas composition and distribution ratio, orifice wall structure on the flow and combustion in the furnace were studied, and the suitable burner structure was determined. The results showed that under the original burner structure, reducing the ratio of acidic gas in the inner ring is beneficial to the complete combustion of H2S, resulting in the increasing temperature of outlet flue gas while the optimized structure which enhances the mixing of acidic gas and air in the inner ring,is more conducive to the combustion of H2S gas. The structure of orifice wall in the incinerator enables the flue gas backflow in the furnace and the increase of the residence time of flue gas, facilitating the complete combustion of H2S gas, and mixing methane to the acid gas may cause an incomplete combustion.
Key words:  H2S incinerator  burner  combustion characteristic  numerical simulation