引用本文:郭鹏,李汉周,刘松林,林刚,纪燕娟,朱国强. 油田含油污泥土壤降解与修复试验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2019, 48(6): 105-110.
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1.中石化江苏油田分公司石油工程技术研究院 ;2.江苏省油气微生物技术工程研究中心 ;3.中石化江苏油田分公司采油一厂
利用分子生物学手段,分离优选油田污泥、污水中的菌株,确定菌株处理油田污泥的潜力。筛选评价了不同生物活化剂,改善原始污泥的生物降解环境。利用研发的菌株及生物活化剂,开展了生物降解及修复试验,考察了污泥除油率变化。结果 表明,w(含油)≤20%(干基)的油田污泥,经20~30天降解后,污泥除油率81.46%,再经1~2个生长周期的植物修复,污泥中w(含油)<1.56%(干基),满足油田行业标准控制指标的要求。 
关键词:  油田含油污泥  微生物  降解  生物修复
Study on degradation and rehabilitation of oily sludge soil in oilfield
Guo Peng1,2, Li Hanzhou1,2, Liu Songlin3, Lin Gang1,2, Ji Yanjuan1,2, Zhu Guoqiang3
1. Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering Technology, Jiangsu Oilfield Branch, Sinopec, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China;2. Jiangsu Oil and Gas Microbial Technology Engineering Research Center, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China;3. No.1 Oil Production Plant of Jiangsu Oilfield Branch of Sinopec, Yangzhou, Jiangsu, China
Molecular biological methods were used to isolate and optimize strains from oilfield sludge and sewage, and to determine the potential of strains for oilfield sludge treatment. Meanwhile, different biological activators were screened and evaluated to improve the biodegradation environment of raw sludge. The biodegradation and remediation experiments were carried out by using the strains and bio-activators, investigating the change of oil removal rate of sludge. The results showed that the deoiling rate of oilfield sludge with less than 20 w% (dry weight) of oil content was 81.46% after 20-30 days of degradation, and after 1-2 growth cycles of phytoremediation, was less than 1.5 w% (dry weight) of oil content in sludge, which met the requirements of standard control indexes of oilfield industry.
Key words:  oily sludge in oilfield  microorganism  degradation  bioremediation