引用本文:李健,朱学军,张晓华. 液硫喷射鼓泡脱气工艺运行及设计总结[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(1): 12-16.
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液硫中溶解的H2S及多硫化物会使硫磺成型装置周围环境H2S含量超标,造成设备腐蚀加重,对操作人员健康、安全及环保带来不利影响。结合某天然气净化厂硫磺回收装置液硫脱气部分工艺运行情况,对循环喷射+空气鼓泡的液硫脱气工艺的原理、工艺参数影响、内件布置等进行了分析总结,采用ProMax软件对液硫脱气过程进行了模拟计算,并与现场分析数据进行了对比。结果 表明,采用循环喷射+空气鼓泡工艺进行液硫脱气,可将液硫中H2S质量分数降至10×10-6以下,使产品满足标准要求,为同类装置的设计和运行提供借鉴。 
关键词:  液硫脱气  喷射+鼓泡工艺  ProMax
Operation and design summary of liquid sulfur ejecting and bubbling degassing process
Li Jian, Zhu Xuejun, Zhang Xiaohua
Sinopec Engineering Incorporation, Beijing, China
The H2S and polysulfide dissolved in liquid sulfur always lead to the H2S content exceeding standard, which cause more serious equipment corrosion, and bring about bad effects on personnel health, safety and environment. Based on the application of liquid sulfur degassing process in a large scale natural gas purification plant, the design philosophy, influence of key parameters and internals arrangement of circulation ejecting & air bubbling technology were analyzed and summarized. Compared with the laboratory analysis data of field application, the process simulation was performed by using ProMax software. The results showed that the circulation ejecting & air bubbling process could efficiently reduce the H2S mass fraction to below 10×10-6, meeting the product standard requirement, which can provide a reference for the design and operation of similar unit.
Key words:  liquid sulfur degassing  ejecting & bubbling technology  ProMax