引用本文:王沛金,吴其林,陈妙兰,陈长雄,王幼林,张玉强. LNG接收站供氮方案分析——以广东大鹏LNG接收站为例[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(1): 57-61.
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目前国内大多建成的LNG接收站采用PSA制氮与液氮气化相结合的方案供氮,满足接收站日常用氮量少,卸船时用氮量大的生产需求。以广东大鹏LNG接收站为例,对购买液氮气化辅助PSA制氮系统和液氮气化系统单独供氮两种供氮方案的运行成本进行比较,并通过用氮量的分析来探讨液氮气化系统单独供氮方案的可行性。实践表明,在PSA制氮系统产能低的情况下,采用液氮气化系统单独供氮方案更有优势。 
关键词:  LNG接收站  供氮方案  液氮气化  PSA制氮  运行成本
Analysis of nitrogen supply scheme for LNG receiving station —Taking Guangdong Dapeng LNG receiving station as an example
Wang Peijin1, Wu Qilin2,3, Chen Miaolan3, Chen Changxiong1, Wang Youlin1, Zhang Yuqiang1
1. Guangdong Dapeng LNG Company, Ltd., Shenzhen, China;2. Guangdong Research Center of Engineering & Technology for Unconventional Energy, Maoming, Guangdong, China;3. College of Petroleum Engineering, Guangdong University of Petrochemical Technology, Maoming, Guangdong, China
At present, most of the LNG receiving stations built in China use the combination of PSA nitrogen and liquid nitrogen to supply nitrogen, which meets less demand for the daily use and the large demand for unloading in the receiving station. Taking Guangdong Dapeng LNG receiving station as an example, the operating cost of purchasing liquid nitrogen to assist the PSA nitrogen production system and liquid nitrogen gasification system for nitrogen supply alone is compared, and the scheme feasibility of liquid nitrogen gasification system for nitrogen supply alone is discussed by analyzing the amount of nitrogen demand. Results of practices show that in the case of low production capacity of PSA nitrogen production system, the use of liquid nitrogen gasification system alone has more advantages.
Key words:  LNG receiving station  nitrogen supply scheme  liquid nitrogen gasification  PSA nitrogen production  operating cost