引用本文:杜静,薄兵. 中国石化国内常规天然气储采比现状与可持续发展方向[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(1): 62-66.
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储采比和储量替代率是衡量油气公司可持续发展的重要指标。“十二五”以来中国石化(以下简称“中石化”)天然气储采比稳中有升。但是,每年新增经济可采储量规模却在下降,2016年储量替代率不足100%。其中,大型、中型的碳酸盐岩气藏和致密低渗气藏的储量接替能力较高,这些气田目前处于稳产期或递减初期,是中石化的主力气田,对中石化天然气储采比、储量替代率的大小起着决定性的作用。但随着勘探难度加大、未开发储量开采对象日益复杂、优质资源减少,实现天然气中长期可持续发展面临挑战。针对目前现状,提出增加经济可采储量、提高储采比的几点建议:①加强海相碳酸盐岩气藏的勘探规划,积极拓展新区带、新层系;②加强致密气藏政策支持和体制改革,最大限度地提高储量的动用程度;③加强未动用储量动用界限及评价方法研究,积极推进区块流转;④重视老区精细管理、调整挖潜,最大限度地提高采收率。 
关键词:  储采比  储量替代率  海相碳酸盐岩气藏  致密气藏  可持续发展
Status and sustainable development direction of natural gas reserve-production ratio in Sinopec
Du Jing1, Bo Bing2
1. Petroleum Exploration and Production Research Institute of Sinopec, Beijing, China;2. Petroleum Exploration and Development Research Institute of CNPC, Beijing, China
Reserve-production ratio and reserve replacement rate are important indicators for measuring the sustainable development of oil and gas companies. The reserve-production ratio of Sinopec natural gas has increased year by year, however, the overall annual increase in economically recoverable reserves has declined, and the reserve replacement rate in 2016 was less than 100%. Among them, low-permeability sandstone gas reservoirs and carbonate gas reservoirs are the main gas fields. However, as exploration difficulties increase, high-quality undeveloped resources are reduced, achieving sustainable long-term natural gas development faces challenges. According to the current situation, some suggestions for increasing economically recoverable reserves and reserve-production ratio are proposed. First, strengthen the exploration planning of marine carbonate gas reservoirs, and actively expand new zones and new strata; second, strengthen policy support and institutional reforms of tight gas reservoirs, and increase the utilization of reserves; third, strenghen the research on the utilization limit and evaluation method of unused reserves, and actively promote block transfer; finally, pay attention to the management and adjustment of old districts to maximize recovery.
Key words:  reserve-production ratio  reserve replacement rate  marine carbonate gas reservoir  tight gas reservoir  sustainable development