引用本文:张大伟,陈忠喜,任璐,孟祥春,古文革. 三元复合驱采出水性质及稳定性机理研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(1): 104-111.
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通过对大庆油田二厂南四-8(弱碱)和四厂三元-6(强碱)三元复合驱采出水水质、含油量-沉降时间关系和驱油剂-油滴粒径关系等进行测定分析,得到了三元水的基本性质及驱油剂对其稳定性的影响。碱对三元水稳定性影响具有双重性,随着碱量增大,小粒径油滴分布增多,少部分油滴粒径已达到胶体粒径范围,碱量增到一定值,采出水油滴会发生聚并而分离;表面活性剂降低油水界面张力,促进油滴分散,其长链分子间存在斥力,可阻碍油滴聚并;聚合物增加采出水黏弹性,增大油滴聚并阻力,减小上浮速度。碱和表面活性剂的协同作用可使原油中的活性物质发生皂化,同时碱在一定程度上促进了聚合物自身水解,增大界面活性,使得采出水稳定性增强。 
关键词:  三元复合驱    聚合物  表面活性剂
基金项目:吉林化工学院科学技术研究项目“基于溶致变色特性的吡唑啉化合物的合成与应用研究”(2018035); 吉林化工学院博士启动基金项目“具有溶致变色特性的吡唑啉衍生物的合成及光谱性质研究”(2018007)
Study on properties and stability mechanism of produced water in ASP flooding
Zhang Dawei1, Chen Zhongxi2, Ren Lu3, Meng Xiangchun2, Gu Wenge2
1. College of Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Engineering, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, Jilin, Jilin, China;2. Daqing Oilfield Design Institute, Daqing,Heilongjiang, China;3. College of Aeronautical Engineering, Jilin Institute of Chemical Technology, Jilin, Jilin, China
The basic properties of ternary produced water and the effect of oil displacing agent on the stability of produced water were obtained, through the analysis of the water quality, oil content-settling time relationship and oil displacing agent-oil droplet size relationship of Nan4-8 and Sanyuan-6 ASP Flooding water in Daqing Oilfield. The synergistic action between the oil displacing agents, especially the polymer, the alkali and the surfactant, has positive effect on dispersing the oil droplets, and the specific performance is as follows:the effect of alkali on the stability of ternary water has a duality. As the amount of alkali increases, the distribution of oil droplets with small particle size increases with a small part of the oil droplet size reaching the range of colloidal particle size. When the alkali amount reaches a certain value, oil droplets in the produced water will aggregate and separate. The surfactant can reduce the interfacial tension between the oil and water, promote the dispersion of the oil droplets, and at the same time, there is a repulsive force between the long-chain molecules, which can hinder the aggregation between the oil droplets. The polymer mainly increases the viscoelasticity of the produced water and oil droplet accumulation resistance, and reduces the floating speed of the oil droplets. The synergistic action of the base and the surfactant can saponify the active material in the crude oil, while the hydrolysis of the polymer itself is promoted in a certain extent, the interfacial activity is elevated, and the stability of the produced water is enhanced by the alkali at the same time.
Key words:  ASP flooding  alkali  polymer  surfactant