引用本文:王利波. 尾气焚烧炉余热锅炉停工保护药剂的实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(1): 112-117.
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普光气田天然气净化厂在停工阶段,净化装置尾气焚烧炉余热锅炉内部烟气随着温度的降低,易与水蒸气形成酸雾,造成硫酸露点腐蚀,存在安全隐患。目前,停工时采用停工保护药剂5%(w)NaOH溶液进行喷洒,一定程度上能够降低酸性腐蚀,但效果不佳。另外,对腐蚀环境中可能存在的细菌腐蚀、氧腐蚀等其他腐蚀类型未采取防护措施。通过化验现场取样液组分,确定了腐蚀介质,对停工保护药剂进行了配方优化。通过三因素三水平实验、专项实验及效果验证实验,最终确定停工保护药剂组成为7%(w)的NaOH、0.15 g/L 杀菌剂1227和1.5 g/L无水亚硫酸钠,其防腐效果明显优于原停工保护药剂。 
关键词:  余热锅炉  腐蚀  停工保护药剂
Experimental study on lockout protective agents for exhaust incinerator waste heat boiler
Wang Libo
Natural Gas Purification Plant, Sinopec Dazhou Natural Gas Purification Co., Ltd. Dazhou, Sichuan, China
During the shutdown stage of Puguang Natural Gas Purification Plant, with the reducing temperature in the exhaust incinerator waste heat boiler, the internal gas is easy to form acid fog with water vapor, causing sulfuric acid dew point corrosion and safety risks. Currently, 5 w% NaOH was used as the shutdown protection agent to reduce acid corrosion, but the effect was not good. Besides, precautions for corrsions including bacterial corrosion, oxygen corrosion were not applied. In this experimental study, the type of corrosion was determined by analyzing the composition of the sampling fluid at the site, and the formulation of the shutdown protection agent was optimized. Through three factors and three level experiments, special experiment and effect verification experiment, the components of the shutdown protection agent was confirmed, which were 7 w% NaOH, 0.15 g/L bactericide 1227 and 1.5 g/L Na2SO3 without water. Its anti-corrosion effect is obviously better than that of the original agent.
Key words:  waste heat boiler  corrosion  shutdown protection agent