引用本文:刘可,杨安,杨超越,朱雯钊,彭修军,杨威. 高效有机硫脱除溶剂研发及性能考察[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(2): 1-7.
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针对GB 17820-2018《天然气》对商品气中总硫含量的严格要求,通过室内实验,对多种类型的有机硫脱除溶剂配方进行评价,筛选出一种具有较高有机硫脱除性能和一定脱硫选择性的物理-化学溶剂。考察了气液体积比、吸收压力及填料高度等工艺条件对该溶剂吸收性能的影响,同时也考察了再生温度、闪蒸气量和溶液性能稳定性等关键指标,明确了碳硫比对选择性的影响。在原料气中CH3SH和COS质量浓度均为30 mg/m3且碳硫比大于5.0的条件下,新溶剂有机硫脱除率最高可达86.87%,CO2脱除率为76.42%,可更好地保障商品气中总硫指标,并降低商品气量损失。 
关键词:  醇胺法  有机硫脱除  GB 17820-2018  天然气  物理-化学溶剂  选择性
Development and performance investigation of high efficient organic sulfide removal solvent
Liu Ke1,2, Yang An1,2, Yang Chaoyue1,2, Zhu Wenzhao1,2, Peng Xiujun1,2, Yang Wei1,2
1. Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. National Energy R&D Center of High Sulfur Gas Exploitation, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
In order to meet the stricter requirements of GB 17820-2018 Natural Gas about the total sulfur content in commercial natural gas. Various types of organic sulfur removal solvents were evaluated through laboratory experiments and a physical-chemical solvent with better organic sulfide removal performance and less CO2 co-absorption was selected. The effects of the process parameters, such as volume ratio of gas to liquid, absorption pressure and packing height, on the absorption property of the solvent were investigated, and the key indexes such as regeneration temperature, flash gas flow and stability of the solution were also investigated. The effect of CO2/H2S ratio on selectivity was clarified which related to selectivity. While the methyl mercaptan and carbonyl sulfur mass concentration were 30 mg/m3 and the CO2/H2S molar ratio was more than 5.0 in feed gas, organic sulfide removal rate could reach up to 86.87% and CO2 absorption rate was 76.42%, which would better guarantee the total sulfur index in commercial gas and lower the loss of product natural gas.
Key words:  amine process  organic sulfide removal  GB 17820-2018  natural gas  physical-chemical solvent  selectivity