引用本文:郑晓薇,魏在兴. 改良天然气吹硫工艺在硫磺回收装置的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(2): 8-13.
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介绍了改良天然气吹硫工艺原理及其在硫磺回收装置上的应用情况。该工艺从以下两个方面进行改良:①使用天然气和氮气的混合气体进行停工,通过制硫炉掺入氮气增加停工期间载硫、载热气量,缩短停工时间;②通过计算确定停工过程配风量,避免设备、催化剂局部超温,应用改良天然气吹硫停工工艺,中国石化北京燕山分公司60 kt/a硫磺回收装置在未设置烟气后碱洗塔的情况下,成功地将停工吹硫、钝化期间尾气焚烧炉排放的烟气中SO2质量浓度控制在100 mg/m3以内,实现了达标排放。该改良工艺具有显著的社会效益,可以进一步推广应用。 
关键词:  硫磺回收  达标排放  天然气  吹硫  停工
Application of improved process of blowing off residual sulfur with natural gas on sulfur recovery unit
Zheng Xiaowei, Wei Zaixing
SINOPEC Beijing Yanshan Branch, Beijing, China
This paper introduces the principle of improved shutdown process by using natural gas and its application on sulfur recovery unit. The process was improved from following aspects:(1) A mixture of natural gas and nitrogen for shutdown was used. The addition of nitrogen into the Claus furnace increased the amount of sulfur and heat-carrying gas during the shutdown period and shortened the downtime. (2) The air distribution during the shutdown process was determined through calculation to avoid over-temperature of the equipment and catalysts. The industrial application of Sinopec Beijing Yanshan Branch 60 kt/a sulfur recovery unit showed that the flue gas SO2 mass concentration emitted from the tail gas furnace during shutdown and blowing could be controlled within 100 mg/m3 without setting caustic wash tower, which reached the discharge standard. The improved process has significant social benefits which can be further promoted and applied.
Key words:  sulfur recovery  discharge to reach standard  natural gas  blow off residual sulfur  shutdown