引用本文:李爱民,马悦,谢雨晨. CT-LOP硫磺回收反应器堵塞原因分析及解决措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(2): 24-30.
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硫磺堵塞是络合铁工艺存在的主要问题之一,络合铁工艺的各设备及管线均存在不同程度的堵塞情况。针对中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院自主研发的络合铁(CT-LOP)液相氧化还原工艺装置反应器堵塞进行讨论,CT-LOP工艺在运行过程中出现环流式反应器、吹扫风管线、硫浆通道等堵塞情况,就堵塞现状对原因进行全面分析,并提出脉冲风管线优化、定期更换鸭嘴分布器和优化加药操作等解决措施,为液相氧化还原工艺或单井脱硫的堵塞问题提供解决思路和借鉴方案。 
关键词:  液相氧化还原  CT-LOP  环流式反应器  络合铁  自循环  堵塞  硫磺回收
Cause analysis and solving measures of blockage in CT-LOP sulfur recovery reactor
Li Aimin, Ma Yue, Xie Yuchen
Natural Gas Purification Plant of Northwest Sichuan Gas District, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Jiangyou, Sichuan, China
Sulfur blocking is one of the main problems of complex iron process. There are different degrees of blockage in various devices of complex iron process. In this paper, blockage in reactor of complex iron (CT-LOP) liquid phase redox process unit independently developed by Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company was discussed. The blockage of CT-LOP process at the circulating reactor, purge air pipeline and sulfur slurry passage during operation were analyzed comprehensively. Some measures were put forward, such as the optimization of impulse air pipeline, the regular replacement of duckbill distributor and optimization of reagent adding operation, which could provide solution ideas and reference for the blockage of liquid phase redox process or single well desulfurization.
Key words:  liquid phase redox  CT-LOP  loop reactor  complex iron  self-circulation  blocking  sulfur recovery