引用本文:谭鹏. CT6-4B和CT6-8B催化剂在硫磺回收装置的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(2): 31-36.
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针对广西石化公司6×104 t/a硫磺回收装置排放烟气中SO2质量浓度高的问题,采用多种手段排查分析,确定原因是一级转化器制硫催化剂的有机硫水解率下降,引起过程气中有机硫含量升高。将其更换为中国石油西南油气田公司天然气研究院自主研发生产的制硫催化剂CT6-4B和CT6-8B后,结果表明,有机硫水解率得到大幅提高,排放烟气中SO2质量浓度从接近400 mg/m3降至120 mg/m3以下,满足GB 31570-2015《石油炼制工业污染物排放标准》中对于广西地区排放烟气中SO2质量浓度低于400 mg/m3的排放限值。 
关键词:  硫磺回收  达标排放  有机硫  SO2  CT6-4B  CT6-8B  催化剂
Application of catalysts CT6-4B and CT6-8B in sulfur recovery unit
Tan Peng
PetroChina Guangxi Petrochemical Company, Qinzhou, Guangxi, China
Aiming at the high mass concentration of SO2 in flue gas discharged from the 60×103 t/a sulfur recovery unit in Guangxi Petrochemical Company, it was determined that the reason was the decrease of organic sulfur hydrolysis rate of the catalyst in the primary converter through multiple means of investigation and analysis, which caused the high organic sulfur content in the process gas. After replacing the catalysts of CT6-4B and CT6-8B for sulfur recovery developed and produced independently by Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, the results showed that the organic sulfur hydrolysis rate was greatly increased, and the mass concentration of SO2 in flue gas emissions decreased from nearly 400 mg/m3 to less than 120 mg/m3, meeting the emissions limits requirement of below 400 mg/m3 in Guangxi region specified by GB 31570-2015 Emission Standard of Pollutants for Petroleum Refining Industry.
Key words:  sulfur recovery  discharge to reach standard  organic sulfur  sulfur dioxide  CT6-4B  CT6-8B  catalyst