引用本文:钟嘉,袁淋,杨关键,姜林希,徐和先,杨龙. 元坝气田污泥来源分析及减量化对策[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(2): 108-114.
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元坝气田气井产水特征日趋明显,深入分析污水来源,做好污泥减量化对策研究对高效开发气田至关重要。以元坝气田含硫污水与批处理残液两种介质为研究对象,针对污水处理过程中脱硫率低,以及压滤污泥含水率高等难题,通过优化药剂选型、反应条件、反应时间及药剂配比,并优选污泥压滤设备和合理配置污泥比例。实验结果表明,元坝气田污泥主要分为含硫污水处理后产生的普通污泥与批处理残液处理后的含油污泥两大类,含硫污水采用汽提法初步脱硫,双氧水+氯化锌深度脱硫,普通污泥经板框式压滤机压滤后含水率可达到50%以下,批处理残液在碱性环境中采用复合破乳剂EEA能够完全实验破乳,且“含油污泥”与“普通污泥”以体积比低于1∶2的配比经板框压滤机压滤后含水率保持为50%~55%。该研究可为元坝气田污水处理及污泥减量化研究提供实验论证及现场指导。 
关键词:  元坝气田  污水  污泥  压滤  减量
Countermeasures of sludge reduction and sludge source analysis in Yuanba gas field
Zhong Jia, Yuan Lin, Yang Guanjian, Jiang Linxi, Xu Hexian, Yang Long
Second Gas Production Plant of SINOPEC Southwest Oil and Gas Field Co., Langzhong, Sichuan, China
The character of water production in Yuanba gas field became increasingly obvious, and deep analysis of the sludge source with study on the countermeasures of sludge reduction would become of great importance in high efficiency developing the gas field. Taking the sulphur-bearing waste water and residual liquid after pigging in Yuanba gas field as study objects, this paper optimized drug selection, reaction time, reaction conditions and reagent proportioning, meanwhile, for the goal of sludge reduction, the sludge pressure filtration equipment and rational allocation of sludge ratio was also optimized, considering the low desulfurization rate and high yield mud during the wastewater treatment. Experimental results show the mud in Yuanba gas field comes from the sulphur-bearing waste water after treatment and the residual liquid after pigging. The rate of water content of the sludge from the sulphur-bearing waste water could reduce to less than 50% by preliminary desulfured with vaporizing extract process deeply desulfurization with ZnCl2 and filter pressing by filter frame sequently. The residual liquid after pigging can be emulsified in alkaline environment with compound demulsifier named EEA, which can be mixed with common mud producing from the sulphur-bearing waste water in a ratio below 1∶2. In this way, the rate of water content of the oily sludge could be remained at 50%-55% after filter pressing by filter frame. The study in this paper can provide experimental demonstration and on-site guidance for sewage treatment and sludge reduction research in Yuanba gas field.
Key words:  Yuanba gas field  sewage  sludge  filter pressing  reduction