引用本文:吴新梅,欧天雄,刘宇程,刘二喜. 气田高含硫污水负压气提脱硫及尾气无害化处理技术研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(2): 115-120.
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针对目前普光气田高含硫污水气提脱硫率低的问题,通过采用“曝气+负压气提+尾气催化氧化”工艺技术,设计正交实验,优选出最优负压气提脱硫操作条件为:污水pH值4.0、温度20 ℃、气提真空度-0.02 MPa、空气曝气气液体积比20∶1,污水负压气提脱硫率高达94%。各操作条件对脱硫率的影响由强到弱顺序为:空气曝气气液比、污水pH值、气提真空度和污水温度。实验优选出铁基离子液体作为尾气脱硫催化剂。结果 表明,铁基离子液体中Fe3+对H2S氧化速率很快,净化后尾气中H2S质量浓度为0 mg/m3,氧化产物为单质S,同时离子液体可通过空气将Fe2+氧化成Fe3+,实现低成本循环利用,解决了含硫尾气燃烧的SO2排放问题。 
关键词:  高含硫污水  负压气提脱硫  尾气处理  离子液体
Research on the technology of vacuum extraction desulfurization and harmless treatment of gas field high-sulfur wastewater
Wu Xinmei1, Ou Tianxiong1, Liu Yucheng2, Liu Erxi1
1. Puguang Branch of Zhongyuan Oilfield Company, SINOPEC, Dazhou, Sichuan, China;2. Institute of Industrial Hazardous Waste Disposal and Resource Utilization, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Aiming at the low desulfurization rate of high-sulfur wastewater in Puguang gas field, the technology of “aeration + vacuum extraction + catalytic oxidation of tail gas” was adopted and orthogonal experiment optimization was designed. The optimized operating conditions are shown as follows:sewage pH value of 4.0, temperature of 20 ℃, gas stripping vacuum degree of -0.02 MPa, aeration gas-liquid ratio of 20∶1, and sewage desulfurization ratio is as high as 94%. The influence of vacuum desulfurization operation conditions on the desulfurization rate from strong to weak in the order is air aeration gas-liquid ratio, sewage pH value, gas extraction vacuum degree and sewage temperature. Iron-base ionic liquids was optimized as exhaust gas desulfurization catalyst in the test. The results show that Fe3+ oxidized H2S at a very fast rate in iron-based ionic liquids, the concentration of H2S in tail gas is 0 mg/m3, and the oxidation products is elemental sulfur. Meanwhile, Fe2+ in ionic liquids can be oxidized to Fe3+ by air. The application of iron-based ionic liquids not only realizes the low cost reuse of the desulfurization liquid, but also completely eliminates the SO2 emission problem caused by the combustion of the tail gas containing sulfur.
Key words:  high-sulfur wastewater  vacuum extraction desulfurization  tail gas treatment  ionic liquid