引用本文:王阳峰,张英,陈春凤,苏建海. 天然气蒸汽重整制氢装置原料优化研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(3): 48-52, 60.
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根据某炼油厂天然气蒸汽重整制氢装置生产运行数据,归纳拟合得到装置制氢成本模型及装置综合能耗模型,进一步采用Aspen Plus进行工艺过程数学建模,从反应机理角度实现装置关键物料消耗的量化计算。以研究开发的模型为后台,利用Matlab GUI开发了制氢装置原料优化分析系统,为企业优选制氢原料提供理论计算依据。对炼油厂制氢装置工艺过程进行模拟,计算结果与装置实际运行数据的偏差<±10%,满足工程计算要求,并进行关键参数灵敏度分析;考察不同原料对装置制氢成本的影响,原料价格、氢碳比、理论产氢率是影响制氢成本的主要因素;研究不同原料对装置综合能耗的影响,以天然气、PSA解吸气作制氢原料时,装置综合能耗相对较低,焦化干气及催化干气作制氢原料时,综合能耗相对较高。
关键词:  制氢  成本  综合能耗  系统  模拟  天然气  蒸汽重整
Study on the optimization of raw material for hydrogen production unit in refinery
Wang Yangfeng1, Zhang Ying1, Chen Chunfeng2, Su Jianhai2
1. Sinopec Dalian Research Institute of Petroleum and Petrochemicals, Dalian, Liaoning, China;2. Sinopec Shijiazhuang Refining & Chemical Company, Shijiazhuang, Hebei, China
According to the historical data of hydrogen production unit in refinery, the cost model and the comprehensive energy consumption model of the unit are developed. Furthermore, Aspen Plus is used to develop the mathematical model of the process and the quantitative calculation of the key material consumption of the unit is realized from the perspective of reaction mechanism. Based on the developed model,the optimization analysis system of raw material for hydrogen production unit is developed by using Matlab GUI. The deviation between the simulation result and the actual operation value of the unit is less than ±10%, which meets the engineering calculation requirements. The sensitivity analysis of key parameters is carried out. The impact of different raw materials on the cost of hydrogen production is calculated and analyzed. Raw material price, the ratio of hydrogen to carbon as well as theoretical hydrogen production rate are the main factors The influence of different raw materials on the comprehensive energy consumption of the unit is calculated and analyzed. The comprehensive energy consumption is relatively low when natural gas and PSA desorption gas as raw materials and relatively high when coking dry gas and FCC dry gas as raw materials.
Key words:  hydrogen production  cost  comprehensive energy consumption  system  simulation  natural gas  steam reforming