引用本文:姜珊,马强,王成,谢超,杜亮,坡邓鑫. 大型卧式LPG覆土压力储罐设计技术研究及仿真分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(3): 53-60.
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针对国内大型卧式LPG覆土压力储罐设计技术空白现状,根据ASME Ⅷ Div1&2和EEMUA190标准进行国内首例大型卧式LPG覆土压力储罐设计及仿真分析。结果 表明:罐体热胀时,封头与罐壁相接处会出现较大应力,在罐体中间沉降时表面较明显;从地震工况和正常操作工况的对比可知,地震对罐体沉降有较大的影响,而对罐体的应力并不大;正常操作工况下和水压试验下,罐体材料均未达到材料屈服点,并有部分余量,可见罐体设计合理,能够适应在各种工况下工作。 
关键词:  LPG  设计  仿真分析  许用应力
Study and simulation analysis of design technology for large-scale horizontal LPG mounded pressure storage tank
Jiang Shan, Ma Qiang, Wang Cheng, Xie Chao, Du Liangpo, Deng Xin
China Petroleum Pipeline Engineering Corporation, Langfang, Hebei, China
According to the current status of no design technology for large-scale horizontal LPG mounded pressure storage tank at home, the design and simulation analysis of the first type in China is carried out according to ASME VIII Div1&2 and EEMUA190 standards. The results show that when the tank body is inflated, there is a great stress on the joint between the head and the tank wall, and will be obvious on the surface when the tank body is settled in the middle; from the comparison of seismic conditions and normal operating conditions, the earthquake has a greater impact on tank settlement while a little stress on the tank body; under normal operating conditions and water pressure test, the tank material don’t reach the material yield point, and there are some margins, so the tank body design is reasonable and can be adapted to work under various working conditions.
Key words:  LPG  design  simulation analysis  allowable stress