引用本文:安昱萱,宫敬,安旭. 俄罗斯天然气在东北地区的利用发展分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(3): 61-66.
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中俄东线天然气即将引入中国,将对东北地区的天然气利用项目产生有力的推动作用,同时也将面临各种问题。为建立长期可持续发展资源供应体系,结合能源供需实际,讨论了俄气到来后,东北地区天然气未来的发展方向,并分析了存在的主要问题:①天然气自产不足,域外依存度高;②地域特点决定替代能源可有多种选择;③调峰困难且富余天然气难以处理;④天然气替代经济性差,价高难以承受。并针对矛盾点进行了总结,指出来源多元化和资源多样化才能可持续发展。明确东北地区宜以天然气作为过渡能源,并提出了适宜地区经济发展的天然气利用建议。 
关键词:  俄气  能源结构调整  清洁能源  调峰  价格  过渡能源  多元化
Analysis on the utilization and development of Russian natural gas in Northeast China
An Yuxuan1, Gong Jing1, An Xu2
1. School of Machinery, Storage and Transportation, China University of Petroleum(Beijing), Beijing, China;2. Jinzhou China Gas Energy Development Co., Ltd, Jinzhou, Liaoning, China
The natural gas from the eastern line of China and Russia will soon be introduced into China, it will play a strong role in promoting the natural gas utilization projects in the northeastern area and also face various problems. In order to establish a long-term sustainable development resource supply system, combined with the actual situation of energy supply and demand, the future development direction of natural gas in Northeast China after the arrival of Russian gas is discussed in this paper. The main problems are analyzed as follows:the lack of self production and high dependence of outside the region; many choices of alternative energy by the regional characteristics; peak shaving difficult and the surplus hard to deal with; poor substitution economy and the price too high to bear. Some measures on the contradictions are summed up. Diversification of sources and resources can be ensured to sustainable development. It is clear that natural gas should be used as the transitional energy in Northeast China, and some suggestions on the utilization of natural gas for regional economic development are put forward.
Key words:  Russian gas  energy structure adjustment  clean energy  peak-shaving  price  transitional energy  diversification