引用本文:赫英旭,郭春秋,张立侠,张君晗,单云鹏,史海东,等. 考虑液滴变形和流动条件的气井连续携液预测新方法[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(3): 67-71.
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关键词:  临界携液流量  高度湍流  曳力系数  液滴变形  井底积液
基金项目:国家油气重大专项“土库曼斯坦阿姆河右岸裂缝孔隙 (洞) 型碳酸盐岩气藏高效开发关键技术研究与应用” (2017ZX05030-003)
A new prediction approach for continuous liquid carrying in gas wells considering droplet deformation and flowing conditions
He Yingxu, Guo Chunqiu, Zhang Lixia, Zhang Junhan, Shan Yunpeng, Shi Haidong, Chen Pengyu, Cheng Muwei
PetroChina Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Development, Beijing, China
Most widely used critical liquid-carrying flow prediction models are Turner model and Li Min model. They both do not consider the influence of flow conditions on the liquid carrying in gas wells and assume the drag coefficient to be a constant. However, the variations of Reynolds number has a great influence on the drag coefficient in highly turbulent flow region, the discrepancies of the two models calculation with actual data exist. Aiming at this problem, considering the effect of drop deformation on the minimum critical flow rate and introducing GP model calculating the drag coefficient in highly turbulent flow regime, a new prediction model for continuous liquid-carrying in gas wells was established. The new model simplifies the calculation of droplet deformation parameters and considers the variations of the drag coefficient with Reynolds numbers in highly turbulent flow region. The new model is compared with Turner model and Li Min model, and validated with the actual data. The results show that the new model provides the prediction results in best coincidence with the actual state of gas wells. In conclusion, critical flow rate of gas wells in highly turbulent flow region can be predicted accurately by the new model, which has a guidance for gas production planning.
Key words:  critical liquid-carrying flow rate  highly turbulent flow regime  drag coefficient  liquid-droplet deformation  liquid loading