引用本文:田巍. 老油田注CO2开发提高注气能力的方法[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(3): 72-77.
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针对老油田转注CO2开发注气能力低的问题,应用长岩心物理模拟室内实验的方法,验证了采用表面活性剂提高注入能力方法的可行性,并确定了注气能力各影响因素定量关系。研究表明:注水至一定阶段,转注0.2 PV表面活性剂段塞后,后续注气能力比注水开发的注入能力提高了19.31%,比直接转注气的注入能力提高了8.86%,增注效果非常明显;储层的物性越好、裂缝越长、倾角越小越有利于转注气气体注入,相反,前期注水越多,注采井距越大,越不利于转注气注入;注水量对注气能力影响最大,其次为注采井距和裂缝,物性和地层倾角的影响最小。研究成果为老油田的注气开发提供了一 种提高注入能力的方法,丰富和发展了注气开发技术体系,为注气开发的现场实施提供了重要的技术参考。
关键词:  老油田  转注气  注气能力  降压增注  注入指数  影响因素
基金项目:河南省博士后基金资助“深层高压低渗油藏CO2驱注气能力变化及调整对策”(2018120) 
A method of improving gas injection capacity by CO2 injection for old oilfield
Tian Wei
1. Research Institute of Petroleum Exploration & Production, Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield Company, Puyang, Henan, China;2. Working Station for Postdoctoral Scientific Research, Sinopec Zhongyuan Oilfield, Puyang, Henan, China
In view of the low gas injection capacity of old oilfield in CO2 injection development, the feasibility of using surfactant to improve the injection capacity is verified by the method of long core laboratory test, and the quantitative relationship of the factors affecting the gas injection capacity is determined. The results show that gas injection capacity is greatly improved after the injection of 0.2 PV surfactant slug into the core at a certain stage of water injection, which is 19.31% higher than that of water injection development, and 8.86% higher than that of direct gas injection without surfactant injection, the injection effect is very obvious. The better the physical properties of the reservoir are, the longer the fracture and the smaller the dip angle are, the better the gas injection is. On the contrary,the more water injection in the early stage and the larger the injection production well spacing are, the worse the gas injection is. The water injection volume has the greatest influence on the injection index, the next is the influence of injection production well spacing and fracture,and the least influence of physical properties and formation dip angle. The research results provide a method to improve the injection capacity for the gas injection development of the old oilfield, enrich and develop the gas injection development technology system, and provide an important technical reference for the field implementation of gas injection development.
Key words:  old oilfield  gas transfer  gas injection capacity  depressurization and injection increase  injection index  influencing factor