引用本文:曹莹,宋美华,赵卫东,徐秀芬,林国强. 浅析油气田重点用能系统能效评价方法——以塔里木油田为例[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(3): 106-114.
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1.东北石油大学机械科学与工程学院 ;2.中国石油塔里木油田公司油气工程研究院
关键词:  油气田生产  用能系统  综合能效评价  指标体系  加权矩阵  标准修订
Analysis on energy efficiency evaluation method of key energy system in oil and gas fields:Taking the Tarim oilfield as an example
Cao Ying1, Song Meihua2, Zhao Weidong2, Xu Xiufen1, Lin Guoqiang2
1. School of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Northeast Petroleum University, Daqing, Heilongjiang, China;2. Oil & Gas Engineering Research Institute, PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, Kuerle, Xinjiang, China;
In view of the current problems of unclear boundaries and incomplete evaluation method for energy efficiency evaluation of energy consumption systems in oil and gas field enterprises, a set of energy efficiency index system with clear boundaries used for reasonable characteristic of the energy efficiency was established by analyzing the energy consumption structure and evaluation status of the energy consumption system combined with the relevant current standards. The energy efficiency index system covers 16 indicators at three levels. The testing and calculating methods of these indicators were determined and a weighted comprehensive evaluation method of energy efficiency based on matrix operation was proposed for the vertical and horizontal comparison of the system energy efficiency level. Taking six stations in Tarim oilfield as an example, the results of the current common evaluation methods were compared with those of the comprehensive methods proposed, to verify the rational reflection of the index system and weighted comprehensive evaluation method for the energy efficiency level of the corresponding systems. The example could also provide the basis for the improvement of energy conservation measures and the related energy conservation work. Through the analysis of application effect, it was found that there are some problems in the current standards, such as the lack of detailed classification of index limits and the inability to cover all typical working conditions. And then the future direction of the standard to be revised and improved was proposed in order to ensure the rationality, applicability and advancement of the standards, and to promote the continuous improvement for related energy-saving management work.
Key words:  oil-gas production  energy consumption system  comprehensive energy efficiency evaluation  index system  weighting matrix  standard revision