引用本文:吴国霈,计维安,伍坤一,林宇,蒋巍. 气田地面系统应急联锁工况数值模拟研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(3): 115-120, 134.
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气田开发区块一般分为天然气集输、净化和外输三大系统,任何一个环节出现事故都将直接威胁到气田整体的生产安全。应急联锁系统作为安全保障体系中重要组成部分是非常值得研究的。通过理清联锁关断逻辑、识别主要风险、开展数值模拟、分析结果数据和提出问题等7个步骤,形成了一套气田地面系统应急联锁工况分析方法。该方法已在某气藏地面系统中成功应用。该研究成果为生产单位地面系统的安全生产运行提供了理论支撑。 
关键词:  气田开发  安全生产管理  应急联锁  数值模拟
Numerical simulation study on emergency chain condition of gas field surface system
Wu Guopei, Ji Weian, Wu Kunyi, Lin Yu, Jiang Wei
Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Gas field development blocks are generally divided into three systems such as nature gas gathering and transmission system, purification system and export system, among which accidents in any link will directly threaten the overall production safety of gas field. As an important part of security system, emergency chain system is worth studying. In this paper, a method for analyzing the emergency chain condition of gas field system is developed by clarifying the emergency chain shutdown logic, identifying the main risks, conducting numerical simulation, analyzing the result data and proposing the problem. This method has been successfully applied to the system of a gas reservoir, which provides a theoretical support for the safe production and operation of the production unit surface system.
Key words:  gas field development  management of production safety  emergency chain  numerical simulation