引用本文:周亚堃,刘彬,马明亮. 300×104 t/a重油催化裂化装置的MIP工艺技术改造[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(4): 32-36.
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300×104 t/a重油催化裂化装置的MIP工艺技术改造
为解决中国石油兰州石化分公司汽油池烯烃无法满足车用乙醇汽油调合组分油国Ⅵ(B)标准的问题,在300×104 t/a重油催化裂化装置上进行了MIP工艺技术改造。MIP工艺技术是中国石化石油化工科学研究院研制的串联提升管反应器形式的新型反应系统,通过提升管设置串联的第二反应区,强化氢转移和异构化反应,达到降低汽油中烯烃含量和增加汽油辛烷值的目的。装置自2019年6月首次开工以来运行平稳,通过对比分析工艺技术改造前后汽油中烯烃含量、RON、蒸汽消耗、经济性能等主要经济技术指标,汽油中烯烃体积分数达到设计要求,较改造前降低7.2%,RON上升1个单位,反应再生系统蒸汽消耗量降低8.3 t/h。装置在操作优化与经济性的提升方面也具有良好的效果。 
关键词:  催化裂化  烯烃  产品分布  RON  蒸汽消耗
MIP process technology reformation of 3×106 t/a heavy oil catalytic cracking unit
Zhou Yakun, Liu Bin, Ma Mingliang
Refinery Catalysis 2 United Workshop, PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
In order to solve the problem that the gasoline pool olefins of PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company can’t meet the national Ⅵ (B) standard of ethanol gasoline blending component oil, the MIP process technology reformation was carried out on the 3×106 t/a heavy oil catalytic cracking unit. The MIP process technology was a new type of reaction system in the form of a series riser reactor developed by the Sinopec Research Institute of Petroleum Processing. The second reaction zone was connected in series through the riser to enhance hydrogen transfer and isomerization reactions, thus achieving the purpose of reducing gasoline olefin content and increasing the gasoline octane number. The device has been running smoothly since it was first started in June 2019. By comparing and analyzing the main economic and technical indexes such as olefin content in gasoline, RON, steam consumption, economic performance, etc. before and after technological transformation, the olefin volume fraction in gasoline reached the design requirements, which was 7.2% lower than before the transformation, the RON increased by 1 unit, and the steam consumption of the reaction regeneration system reduced by 8.3 t/h. The device operation optimization and economic improvement also had good effects.
Key words:  catalytic cracking  olefin  product distribution  RON  steam consumption