引用本文:许艳艳,葛鹏莉,肖雯雯,王孟欣,林平林,卿双永,等. 塔河油田非金属管失效分析与评价体系的建立[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(4): 78-82.
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1.中国石化西北油田分公司石油工程技术研究院 ;2.中国石油大学(北京)
非金属材料在油田的应用虽缓解了传统金属材料的腐蚀等问题,但其他方面的失效仍然存在。对塔河油田某计转站HDPE内穿插修复管线开裂失效、某联合站污水外输管线玻璃钢法兰渗漏失效、某单井用塑料合金复合管内衬起泡失效3个典型失效案例进行了系统分析,由此提出了油田用非金属管失效分析与评价体系的基本方法。 
关键词:  塔河油田  非金属管  外层金属爆管失效  法兰失效  脱氯降解失效  失效评价体系
Establishment of failure analysis and evaluation system for non-metallic pipes in Tahe oilfield
Xu Yanyan1, Ge Pengli1, Xiao Wenwen1, Wang Mengxin2, Lin Pinglin2, Qing Shuangyong2, Gao Duolong1, Liu Qingshan1, Chen Miao1, Zhang Xiaocan2
1.Research Institute of Petroleum Engineering Technology, Sinopec Northwest Oilfield Branch, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China;2. China University of Petroleum(Beijing), Beijing, China
Although the application of non-metallic materials in oil field alleviates the corrosion of traditional metal materials, other failures still exist. In this paper, three typical failure cases in Tahe oilfield are analyzed systematically, which are HDPE interpenetrating repair pipeline cracking failure in a transfer station, GFRP flange leakage failure of a combined sewage export pipeline and foaming failure of plastic alloy composite pipe lining used in a well. Therefore, we put forward the basic method of failure analysis and evaluation system of non-metallic pipe used in oil field.
Key words:  Tahe oilfield  non-metallic tube  failure of outer metal explosion tube  flange failure  dechlorination degradation failure  failure evaluation system