引用本文:鄢雨,石彦,冯小刚,蒋轩宇,张绍鹏. 油井液量含水自动测量新技术的应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(4): 90-94.
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通过对现有计量技术的分析研究,研发了适合于螺杆泵、无杆泵采油方式的油井产液量、产油量及含水率测量技术,并研制了一种新型的液量含水自动计量撬。室内实验和现场试验表明,该计量撬运行可靠,测量结果准确度高,产液量和产油量测量结果误差在±10%以内,含水测量结果误差在±5%以内,满足油气田地面工程油气集输处理工艺设计规范的要求。液量含水自动计量撬的研究应用能简化油田集输工艺,减少地面建设费用,解决了针对螺杆泵、无杆泵等采油方式无有效单井在线计量方法的难题,填补了技术空白。 
关键词:  单井在线计量  称重法  微波法  计量撬  往复运动
Development and application of an automatic metering skid for liquid production and moisture content
Yan Yu, Shi Yan, Feng Xiaogang, Jiang Xuanyu, Zhang Shaopeng
Zhundong Oil Production Plant of CNPC Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Fukang, Xinjiang, China
Through the analysis of existing measurement technology, this article screens a single-well metering technology which is suitable for screw pump and rodless pump oil production metering, and develops a new type of liquid water automatic metering skid. After a series strict indoor experiments and field tests, metering skid has shown reliable performance and has high measurement accuracy, liquid volume measurement error is within ±10%, moisture content is within ±5%, which meet the requirements of oil and gas field surface engineering oil and gas gathering and processing technology design specifications. Research and application of automatic measurement of liquid production and moisture content, can simplify oilfield gathering and transportation process, reduce ground construction costs, and solve the problem that there is no effective single-well online metering method for oil production methods such as screw pumps and rodless pumps, filling the technology gap.
Key words:  single-well online metering  weighing method  microwave method  metering skid  reciprocationg motion