引用本文:刘强. 川深1井超深小间隙尾管防窜固井胶乳水泥浆技术[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(5): 70-75.
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川深1井是一口超深预探井,五开完钻井深8 420 m,尾管固井面临超高温、超高压、环空间隙小、气窜风险大等苛刻条件。同时,后期开采对水泥环的长期完整性和封隔性要求高。通过研究硅粉加量和粒径与水泥石强度衰退的关系,功能材料对水泥石力学性能的影响,设计出了一套胶乳弹韧性防窜水泥浆体系。该水泥浆体系性能稳定,API失水48 mL,SPN防窜系数0.89,弹性模量4.8 GPa,渗透率0.40×10-3 μm2,高温沉降稳定性0.01 g/cm3,24 h抗压强度16.3 MPa。结合其他工艺措施,该水泥浆体系成功应用于川深1井超深小间隙尾管固井,固井质量优良。 
关键词:  固井  高温  防窜  水泥浆  胶乳
Anti-gas migration technology of latex slurry in super-deep small annular space liner cementing of Chuanshen 1 well
Liu Qiang
Sinopec Cementing Branch of Southwest Petroleum Engineering Co., Ltd., Deyang, Sichuan, China
Chuanshen 1 well, which is an ultra-deep prospecting well, has five-spud section drilled with the depth of 8 420 m. The fifth spud liner cementing confronted hash conditions such as ultra-high temperature, ultra-high pressure, small annular space, great risk of gas channeling etc. Besides, the request of long term integrity and pack-off capability is higher for the cement sheath during production stage. A system of elastic anti-gas migration latex slurry is established in accordance with the research of relationship between compressive strength of cement stone and dosage, particle size of silica sand, and with the research of influence on mechanic property by function material. The cement slurry system has stable performance, API water loss is 48 mL, anti-channel coefficient SPN is 0.89 elasticity, modulus is 4.8 GPa, permeability is 0.40×10-3 μm2, high-temperature settling stability is 0.01 g/cm3, and the compressive strength of 24 h is 16.3 MPa. The cement system is successfully applied in super-deep small annular space liner cementing of Chuanshen 1 well combined with other technological measures, the cementing quality is excellent.
Key words:  cementing  high temperature  anti-migration  cement slurry  latex