引用本文:宁桃,白小东,张学鹏,徐玉倩,雍雪梅,罗玉梅,等. 提升泥饼岩石界面胶结质量的固化技术及机理分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(5): 76-81, 86.
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使用高炉矿渣(BFS)和羧基丁苯胶乳(XSBRI)作为泥饼固化剂,研究了固化剂的复配对泥饼抗压强度的影响,并对泥饼岩石界面的胶结机理进行了研究。结果 表明:BFS和XSBRI复配使用对泥饼的固化有协同作用,能明显提升泥饼的抗压强度;FTIR中能够明显看到经固化剂改性后的泥饼中有-COO-吸收峰,表明XSBRI在泥饼固化过程中参与了反应;XRD表明泥饼中生成了CaAl2Si2O8·4H2O、Ca(SiO4)2(OH)2等水化产物;从泥饼的SEM图和EDS分析中可以看到网络状的水化产物填充在黏土矿物之间,胶乳覆盖在泥饼岩石表面,实现了泥饼岩石的一体化胶结。研究表明,BFS和XSBRI作为泥饼固化剂复配使用有助于提高泥饼岩石界面的胶结质量。 
关键词:  固化剂  泥饼  岩石  胶结机理  一体化
Solidification technology and mechanism analysis of improving the interface cementation quality of mud cake and rock
Ning Tao, Bai Xiaodong, Zhang Xuepeng, Xu Yuqian, Yong Xuemei, Luo Yumei, Zhou Song
School of New Energy and Materials, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
BFS and XSBRI were used as mud cake curing agent, and the influence of curing agent compound on the compressive strength of mud cake was studied. The interface cementation mechanism of mud cake and rock was studied by modern analysis method. The results showed that the combined use of BFS and XSBRI had a synergistic effect on the curing of mud cake and could obviously improve the compressive strength of mud cake. The -COO- absorption peak in the mud cakes modified by the curing agent can be seen clearly by using FTIR. This indicated that XSBRI participated in the reaction during the curing process of mud cake. XRD analysis indicated that hydration products are formed in mud cake, such as CaAl2Si2O8·4H2O and Ca(SiO4)2(OH)2. The SEM diagram and EDS analysis of mud cake showed that the netlike hydration products are filled in the clay minerals, and the latex covered the surface of mud cake and rock, it is realized the integrating cementation of mud cake and rock. The study showed that the combination of BFS and XSBRI using as mud cake curing agent can be helpful to improve the cementation quality of the interface between mud cake and rock.
Key words:  curing agent  mud cake  rock  cementation mechanism  integration