引用本文:王勇,闪从新,伍坤一. 页岩气三甘醇脱水装置脱水效果评价研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(6): 1-7.
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页岩气井的开发具有生产初期产气量大、中后期衰减快的生产特征。三甘醇脱水装置处理量过大会导致脱水负荷超过最佳工况的允许范围,脱水效果不理想。鉴于此,采用HYSYS软件对三甘醇(TEG)脱水装置进行了流程模拟,定量分析了三甘醇贫液质量分数、三甘醇循环量对三甘醇脱水装置脱水效果的影响,并根据脱水装置在不同处理量下的现场实际考核数据,与模拟结果进行对比验证,从而验证了模拟结果的准确性。研究结果表明,为满足三甘醇贫液质量分数在99%以上的生产控制指标,可在确保再生温度不超过热降解温度204 ℃的前提下,适当提高重沸器温度,并在15~25 m3/h的范围内合理提高汽提气量。当贫液质量分数高于99%、水露点远低于设计值时,建议在保证产品气水露点达标的前提下,适当降低三甘醇贫液的总循环量,从而降低重沸器燃料气耗量,降低能耗。 
关键词:  三甘醇  脱水  页岩气  HYSYS软件  定量分析  工艺参数调整
Evaluation and study on dehydration effect of triglycol dehydration unit for shale gas
Wang Yong, Shan Congxin, Wu Kunyi
Research Institute of Gathering and Transportation Engineering Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
The development of shale gas well has the production characteristics of large gas production at the initial stage of production and rapid attenuation in the middle and late stages. The excessive processing capacity of triglycol(TEG) dehydration unit will cause the dehydration load to exceed the allowable range of the optimal working condition, the dehydration effect was not ideal. Based on this, the process simulation of the TEG dehydration unit was carried out using HYSYS software. The influences of lean TEG mass fraction and TEG circulation rate on the dehydration effect of the TEG dehydration unit were quantitatively analyzed. The actual assessment data on site under the different processing volume were compared with the simulation results to verify the accuracy of the simulation results. The results showed that in order to meet the production control index of the lean TEG mass fraction above 99%, the reboiler temperature should be appropriately increased and the stripping gas volume rate could be reasonably increased in the range of 15-25 m3/h on the premise that the regeneration temperature did not exceed the thermal degradation temperature of 204 ℃. When the mass fraction of lean liquid was higher than 99% and the water dew point was far lower than the design value, it was suggested to reduce the total circulation volume of lean TEG under the premise of ensuring the water dew point of product gas to reach the standard, so as to reduce the fuel gas consumption and energy consumption of reboiler.
Key words:  triglycol  dehydration  shale gas  HYSYS software  quantitative analysis  process parameter adjustment