引用本文:裘松涛,张兴凯,冯建设,郑刚,廖锐全,史宝成. 基于旋流和引射循环技术的湿气气液分离方法研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(6): 8-12, 19.
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天然气除湿对于天然气的安全输送和精确计量具有重要的意义。针对传统的湿气气液分离装置存在分离效率低、受流型影响大等问题,提出了一种基于旋流和引射循环技术的湿气气液分离装置和方法。通过室内实验的方法,对不同工况下的气液分离效率及压降特性等进行了研究。研究结果表明:①当表观气速为4.2~28.5 m/s、液相体积分数小于3%时,设计的气液分离装置的气液分离效率基本可维持在96%以上,压降最大为167 kPa;②随着气量的增大,气液分离装置的分离效率降低,压降增大;③湿气的液量对分离效率和压降的影响较小。上述研究结果可为工业生产中湿气的气液分离提供一种新的思路,具有重要的工程意义。 
关键词:  湿气  气液分离  旋流  引射循环
Research on the gas-liquid separation method of wet gas based on rotational flow and ejector circulation technology
Qiu Songtao1, Zhang Xingkai1, Feng Jianshen2, Zheng Gang2, Liao Ruiquan1, Shi Baocheng1
1. Petroleum Engineering College, Yangtze University, Wuhan, Hubei, China;2. Oil & gas Technology Research Institute of PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Xi'an, Shaanxi, China
Natural gas dehumidification plays an important role in the safe transportation and accurate measurement of natural gas. In this paper, aiming at the problems of low separation efficiency and great influence of flow pattern in the traditional gas-liquid separation device of wet gas, the gas-liquid separation method of wet gas based on rotational flow and ejector circulation technology were proposed. The separation efficiency and pressure loss characteristics under different working conditions were studied by laboratory experiments. The results showed that:(1) when the superficial gas velocity range was from 4.2 m/s to 28.5 m/s and the liquid phase volume fraction was less than 3%, the gas-liquid separation efficiency of the designed gas-liquid separation device could be basically maintained above 96% and the maximum pressure drop was 167 kPa; (2) With the increase of gas volume flow, the separation efficiency of gas-liquid separation device decreased and the pressure drop increased; (3) The wet gas volume had a little effect on separation efficiency and pressure drop. The results of this paper will provide a new way for the gas-liquid separation of wet gas in industrial production, and have important engineering significance.
Key words:  wet gas  gas-liquid separation  rotational flow  ejector cycle