引用本文:张井鲁,安杰,张倩. 三甘醇脱水填料塔计算方法适用性分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2020, 49(6): 28-33, 39.
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张井鲁, 安杰, 张倩
塔径计算是进行三甘醇填料脱水塔设计的首要工作,为了选用准确适用的塔径计算方法,详细介绍了多种塔径计算方法。以两个实际项目的数据为计算案例,分别采用贝恩-霍根(Bain-Haugen)关联式、通用压降关联图法(GPDC)、塔负荷系数法、Aspen HYSYS软件等不同方法计算三甘醇填料脱水塔的塔径,并进行了计算结果偏差分析和计算方法适用性分析。结果 分析表明,塔负荷系数法、通用压降关联图法(GPDC)、Aspen HYSYS软件计算结果相近,经圆整后的塔径一致。贝恩-霍根(Bain-Haugen)关联式算出的结果偏差较大,过于保守,分别为11.11%和8.73%。由于通用压降关联图法(GPDC)的计算结果受GPDC关联图内数据点影响准确度不易保证,建议选用塔负荷系数法和Aspen HYSYS软件进行三甘醇脱水填料塔塔径的计算。 
关键词:  三甘醇  脱水填料塔  Aspen HYSYS  通用压降关联图
Applicability analysis of the calculating method for TEG dehydrating packed tower
zhangjinglu, An Jie, Zhang Qian
Beijing DWELL Petroleum Technical Development Co., Ltd., Beijing, China
The diameter calculation is the primary task in the design of the TEG dehydration packed tower. In order to select the accurate and applicable method for diameter calculation, several methods were illustrated in detail. Two actual projects were selected as calculation cases, and the Bain-Haugen correlation method, the general pressure drop correlation graph method (GPDC), the tower load coefficient method, the Aspen HYSYS software were selected to calculate the diameter of TEG dehydrating packed tower, and the deviation analysis of the calculation results and the applicability analysis of the calculation method were carried out. The result showed that the calculation results of the tower load coefficient method, the GPDC method and the Aspen HYSYS software were similar and the rounded tower diameter was consistent, and the deviation of the Bain-Haugen correlation method was large and conservative, which were 11.11% and 8.73% respectively. The calculated results accuracy of the GPDC method was difficult to be guaranteed by the influence of data points in the GPDC graph. The tower load coefficient method and the Aspen HYSYS software were recommended to calculate the diameter of TEG dehydration packed tower.
Key words:  triglycol  dehydrating packed tower  Aspen HYSYS  general pressure drop correlation graph