引用本文:廖铁,廖品全,苏梦瑶,李勇,李进. 天然气净化厂脱硫溶液污染物来源及发泡控制措施[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(1): 20-26.
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关键词:  天然气  净化  MDEA  发泡  热稳定盐
Pollutants source and foaming control measures for desulfurization solution in natural gas purification plant
Liao Tie, Liao Pinquan, Su Mengyao, Li Yong, Li Jin
PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Wanzhou Branch of Natural Gas Purification Plant General, Wanzhou, Chongqing, China
Since 2009, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Wanzhou Branch of Natural Gas Purification Plant General had been built and put into production, the desulfurization tower flooding appeared frequently. The smooth running time reduced year by year after each overhaul, which seriously impacted the safety and steady operation of the devices and restricted the development capacity of the northeast of Chongqing. Aiming at the problem, after collecting and analyzing the data relevant to amine solution foaming of natural gas purification devices in the recent ten years, it was included that the main foaming reason was that the whole solution system was polluted by thermal stably salt, oil, fat, and metal elements, which were brought into the solution system internally or from external environment. According to above factors, this paper separately described different phenomena and corresponding measures. The unit management was optimized combined with the lessons and experiences formed gradually, and the whole plant has been running steadily for three years.
Key words:  natural gas  purification  MDEA  foaming  thermal stably salt