引用本文:王树利,李林,孙丽琳. 降低柴汽比的技术措施在某炼油厂的实践与认识[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(1): 15-19.
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柴汽比是炼油企业的重要技术经济指标,近年来受经济增长减缓的影响,柴油消费放缓,汽油消费增长,柴汽比呈下降趋势。为适应市场需求,某炼油厂结合自身加工流程,通过采取优化常减压装置、催化裂化装置、柴油加氢装置操作条件、优化常减压装置重柴油加工流程、应用新型催化裂化催化剂、对催化裂化装置进行MIP技术改造、对烷基化装置进行扩能改造等技术措施,全厂柴汽比从2015年的1.55降至2020年的1.34,有效地降低了柴油产量,对提高炼油厂经济效益起到了积极的作用。 
关键词:  柴汽比  操作优化  重柴油  催化裂化催化剂  MIP技术改造  烷基化
Practice and understanding of technical measures to reduce diesel to gasoline ratio in a refinery
Wang Shuli, Li Lin, Sun Lilin
Oil Refinery of PetroChina Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
The diesel to gasoline ratio is an important technical and economic index for oil refining enterprises. In recent years, the consumption of diesel slowed down, the consumption of gasoline increased, and the ratio of diesel to gasoline shows a downward trend with the slowdown of economic growth. In order to meet the market demand, a refinery combined with its own processing flow adopted technical measures such as optimizing the operation conditions of atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit, catalytic cracking unit and diesel oil hydrogenation unit, optimizing heavy diesel oil processing flow in atmospheric and vacuum distillation unit, applying new type catalytic cracking catalyst, conducting the MIP technical transformation of catalytic cracking unit and capacity expansion of alkylation unit, so that the diesel to gasoline ratio had decreased from 1.55 in 2015 to 1.34 in 2020, it effectively reduced the diesel output and played a positive role in improving the economic benefits of the refinery.
Key words:  diesel to gasoline ratio  operation optimization  heavy diesel oil  FCC catalyst  MIP technical transformation  alkylation