引用本文:姜军,苟明生,韩慧玲,李旭,阿地里·热合曼. 中高渗砂砾岩油藏调堵一体化技术——以滴水泉油田八道湾组油藏为例[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(1): 95-100.
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滴水泉油田井区八道湾组油藏储层为中粗喉道、中孔、中等渗透性、非均质性较强的储集层,构造底部受油水边界控制。油藏2011年采取同步注水开发,投产后油井含水上升快,注入水窜严重。2012年实施调剖、优化注水等措施,措施初期取得一定效果,含水上升速度减缓,但整体见效时间短。同时,注入水窜严重,水驱波及体积降低,油藏水驱储量动用程度有所降低。经过多次调剖仍未抑制含水快速上升的趋势,如何进行水窜治理是目前工艺方面亟待解决的问题。针对以上问题,结合地质工程研究结果,提出了调堵一体化区域治理工艺技术。由单一水井调剖转变为油水井双向综合治理。措施后平均单井增油55.4%,措施有效期延长366%,区块整体含水上升率下降37.5%,累计多产油6 300 t。从实施效果来看,调堵一体化技术适应该区中高渗透率砂砾岩油藏特点,为同类油藏的综合治理提供了借鉴。 
关键词:  调堵一体化  水窜通道  区域治理
Integrated technology of regulation and plugging in medium-high permeability sand conglomerate reservoir:A case study of Badaowan formation reservoir in Dishuiquan oilfield
Jiang Jun, Gou Mingsheng, Han Huiling, Li Xu, Adili Reheman
Zhundong Oil Production Plant, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Fukang, Xinjiang, China
The reservoir of Badaowan formation is a medium coarse throat, medium pore, medium permeability and strong heterogeneity reservior in Dishuiquan oilfield. The bottom of the structure is controlled by the oil-water boundary. In 2011, the reservoir was developed by synchronous water injection. After being put into production, the water cut of oil well increased rapidly and the injected water channeled seriously. In 2012, the arrangements of profile control, water injection optimization, etc. have achieved some results at the initial stage of the measures. The rate of water cut rise became slow down, but the overall effective time was short. At the same time, the injection water channeling was seriously, the swept volume of water drive was reduced, and the production degree of water drive reserves was reduced. After several times of profile control, the trend of water cut rapidly rise has not been restrained. It is an urgent problem to be solved that how to control water channeling at this moment. Aiming at the above problems, combined with the results of geological engineering research, the integrated regional treatment technology of regulation and plugging is proposed, which is from single water well profile control to two-way comprehensive treatment of oil and water wells. After the arrangements, the average oil production of single well increase by 55.4%, the effective period of the measures extend by 366%, the overall water cut rise rate of the block decrease by 37.5%, and the cumulative oil production increase by 6 300 t. Considering the implementation effect, the integrated technology of regulation and plugging is suitable for the medium and high permeability glutenite reservoir in this area, which provides a reference for the comprehensive treatment measures of similar reservoirs.
Key words:  integrated regulation and blocking  water channeling  regional governance