引用本文:汤超,熊小伟,蔡文良,李薇. 含油污泥热解残渣中热解炭的回收及应用研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(1): 124-128, 134.
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1.重庆水利电力职业技术学院;2. “石油石化污染物控制与处理”国家重点实验室 ;3.中国石油长庆油田分公司第三采油厂
通过物理浮选与化学分离相结合的方式对含油污泥热解残渣进行资源化处理,回收热解残渣中的热解炭,并将其应用于采油污水的处理与工业油品的吸附。结果 表明:回收的热解炭纯度达到95.93%,其表面分布着诸多形状不规则的孔隙,孔隙结构以中孔为主,比表面积、孔隙体积与平均孔径分别为454.47 m2/g,0.61 cm3/g和6.91 nm。同等条件下,热解炭对采油污水中COD和石油类的处理效果优于活性炭。对于柴油和原油的吸附,热解炭的初始瞬时吸附速率比活性炭分别快3.8倍和1.86倍。当热解炭达到吸附饱和时,活性炭对柴油和原油的累积吸附量远低于热解炭。
关键词:  含油污泥  热解残渣  热解炭  资源化  吸附性能
Recycling of pyrolytic carbon in oily sludge residues
Tang Chao1,2, Xiong Xiaowei3, Cai Wenliang1, Li Wei1
1. Chongqing Water Resources and Electric Engineering College, Chongqing, China;2. State Key Laboratory of Petroleum and Pollution Control, Beijing, China;3. Third Oil Production Plant, PetroChina Changqing Oilfield Company, Yinchuan, Ningxia, China
Pyrolytic residues of oily sludge are treated as resources by a combination of physical flotation and chemical separation to recover the pyrolytic carbon using for the treatment of oilfield wastewater and adsorption of oil. The results show that purity of the pyrolytic carbon is 95.93%, with many pores of different sizes distributing on the surface, which are mainly mesopores. Specific surface area, pore volume and average pore diameter reaches 454.47 m2/g, 0.61 cm3/g and 6.91 nm respectively. Adsorption effect of the pyrolytic carbon on COD and oil in oilfield wastewater is better than that of activated carbon at the same condition. For adsorption of diesel and crude oil, initial instantaneous adsorption rate of pyrolytic carbon is 3.8 times and 1.86 times faster than that of activated carbon respectively. When pyrolytic carbon reaches saturated adsorption, cumulative adsorption of activated carbon to diesel and crude oil is much lower than that of pyrolytic carbon.
Key words:  oily sludge  pyrolytic residues  pyrolytic carbon  reutilizaiton  adsorption performance