引用本文:方健. 渤海油田钻井废弃物源头减量及资源化利用研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(1): 129-134.
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渤海油田钻井过程中会产生大量的钻井废弃物,主要包括废弃钻井岩屑和废弃钻井液。随着油田开发井的增加,环境隐患、运输和处理处置成本不断增加。开展了源头减量和资源化利用的实验研究,采用负压微振过滤系统对海洋油田固控系统中的振动筛筛上物进行源头减量,采用“破胶-离心分离-臭氧气浮分离-陶瓷膜分离”工艺处理废弃钻井液,处理后的钻井液可回用配制新的钻井液。结果 表明,入口岩屑含液率在100%以上,转速在24 r/min以内,滤布目数低于API160时,废弃钻井岩屑有很好的脱水效果,出口的岩屑含液率为21%~22%,回用配制新钻井液的净水中油的质量浓度在10 mg/L以下。 
关键词:  钻井废弃物  废弃钻井岩屑  废弃钻井液  源头减量  资源化利用
Research of source reduction of drilling waste and reuse in Bohai offshore oilfield
Fang Jian
CNOOC Tianjin Chemical Research and Design Institute Corporation, Tianjin, China
A lot of oil drilling wastes are produced during oil drilling work in Bohai offshore oilfield, which mainly contain waste oil drilling mud and waste oil drilling cuttings. The cost of environmental risks, transportation, treatment and disposal are increasing with the growth of development well of offshore oilfield. Therefore, the research of source reduction and resource disposal has been carried out. Negative pressure and micro-vibration filtration system was used to reduce the wastes on vibrating screen and simulation trial has been finished. The process “gel-breaking-centrifugation-ozone flotation-ceramic membrane” was used to treat the waste oil drilling mud and the treated drilling mud could be reused to prepare the fresh oil drilling fluid. The results showed that the waste drilling cuttings had a good dehydration effect, the liquid content of the waste oil drilling cuttings at outlet reached 21%-22%, and the oil content of clean water reused to prepare fresh oil drilling fluid was under 10 mg/L under the conditions that the liquid content was above 100% at inlet, the rotation rate was under 40% and mesh specifications were under API160.
Key words:  oil drilling wastes  waste oil drilling cuttings  waste oil drilling mud  source reduction  resource disposal