引用本文:李鹏,赵德银,张健,崔伟. 油田伴生气净化工艺优化研究及工业应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(2): 17-22.
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1.中国石油化工股份有限公司西北油田分公司 ;2.中国石油化工集团公司碳酸盐岩缝洞型油藏提高采收率重点实验室 ;3.新疆博塔油田技术服务有限公司
塔河油田生产大量高含硫稠油和伴生气,同时采用负压气提工艺回收稠油中所含轻烃,高含硫轻烃和伴生气在轻烃站集中净化处理过程中存在液化气中总硫含量超标、轻烃碱洗脱硫过程产生大量碱渣等问题。为解决上述问题,开展了UDS脱硫剂在伴生气脱硫过程的应用研究。结果 表明,UDS脱硫剂对有机硫和H2S均具有较好的选择性。应用后,伴生气分离得到的液化气中总硫质量分数较MDEA降低86%。开展了轻烃汽提脱硫工艺的应用研究,应用结果表明,采用汽提工艺后,轻烃中总硫质量分数可降至0.03%以下。因此,汽提工艺可完全取代碱洗工艺,成为一种高含硫伴生气绿色高效净化的新工艺,该工艺运行稳定,可满足装置长周期运行的要求。 
关键词:  油田轻烃  伴生气  脱硫  碱洗
Optimization study and industrial application of oilfield associated gas purification process
Li Peng1,2, Zhao Deyin1,2, Zhang Jian2, Cui Wei1,2
1. SINOPEC Northwest Oilfield Branch, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China;2.China Petroleum & Chemical Corporation Key Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery in Carbonate Fractured-Vuggy Reservoirs, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China;3. Xinjiang Bota Oilfield Technology Service Co., Ltd, Urumqi, Xinjiang, China
Tahe oilfield produced a large amount of heavy crude oil and associated gas, and the light hydrocarbon was extracted with negative stripping process from heavy crude oil. There were a lot of problems when the light hydrocarbon and associated gas were purified centrally at light hydrocarbon station, such as the total sulfur content in LPG exceeding standard, a lot of alkaline waste produced during the process of light hydrocarbon alkali washing desulfurization, and so on. The application study of UDS desulfurizer during the process of associated gas desulfurization was carried out in order to solve the problem. The results showed that the UDS has good selectivity to both organic sulfur and hydrogen sulfide, and the concentration of total sulfur in LPG could decrease by 86% compared to using MDEA desulfurizer. The application study of light hydrocarbon stripping desulfurization process was carried out, and the results showed that the mass fraction of total sulfur in light hydrocarbon could decrease to less than 0.03%. Therefore, the stripping process could completely replace the alkaline washing process. A new green and efficient purification process for associated gas with high concentration of sulfur was developed, and it was proved that the process was stable, and could meet the requirement of unit for long cycle operation.
Key words:  oilfield light hydrocarbon  associated gas  desulfurization  alkali cleaning