引用本文:梁玉龙,张雄飞,张展,付雯洁,吴万红,左小来. PEC-21催化剂在兰州石化应用情况分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(2): 23-29.
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考察了中国石油自主研发的PEC-21碳二前加氢催化剂在兰州石化460 kt/a乙烯装置碳二加氢一段反应器的运行情况。并针对兰州石化裂解物料复杂、物料中C4’s含量高、空速波动等因素对催化剂性能的影响进行了分析。工业应用结果表明,PEC-21催化剂具有良好的空速适应性和C4’s适应性,完全可以满足兰州石化的工况需求,连续运行11个月,乙炔平均转化率52.3%,乙烯选择性90.4%,MAPD转化率12.9%,丙烯选择性95.2%。运行1年,温度从61~63 ℃升至68.8 ℃,提温6.6 ℃左右。催化剂性能远远优于同周期进口催化剂,能满足装置稳定运行的要求。 
关键词:  碳二前加氢  加氢催化剂  工业试验  乙炔选择性加氢
Application status analysis of PEC-21 catalyst in Lanzhou Petrochemical Company
Liang Yulong1, Zhang Xiongfei2, Zhang Zhan2, Fu Wenjie2, Wu Wanhong2, Zuo Xiaolai2
1. Lanzhou Petrochemical Research Center, Petrochemical Research Institute, PetroChina, Lanzhou, Gansu, China;2. Olefin Plant of Lanzhou Petrochemical Company, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
The front-end hydrogenation of acetylene catalyst PEC-21 independently developed by PetroChina has been operated in the 460×103 t/a unit of the Lanzhou Petrochemical Plant for 11 months. The effects of complex cracking materials, high C4's content and fluctuations in space velocity on the performance of the catalyst were analyzed. Industrial application results showed that PEC-21 catalyst had good space velocity adaptability and C4's adaptability, and could fully meet the operation conditions of the industrial installation. The acetylene average conversion rate, ethylene selectivity, MAPD conversion rate, and propylene selectivity reached 52.3%, 90.4%, 12.9% and 95.2% respectively after it had been operating continuously for 11 months. And for one year of operation, the temperature increased from 61-63 ℃ to 68.8 ℃, with the temperature rising of about 6.6 ℃. The performance of the catalyst was much better than that of the imported catalyst in the same period and could meet the requirements of stable operation of the unit.
Key words:  front-end hydrogenation of acetylene  hydrogenation catalyst  industrial test  selective hydrogenation of acetylene