引用本文:范明龙,花亦怀,苏清博. 高含CO2天然气胺法脱碳工艺设计[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(2): 35-41.
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醇胺法作为目前比较成熟和可行的脱碳技术,存在再生能耗高的缺点。基于传统的胺法脱碳流程,设计出低能耗的新型三塔半贫液脱碳工艺,借助Aspen HYSYS 8.6流程模拟软件进行了新型三塔半贫液胺法脱碳流程关键工艺参数(吸收剂、贫液/半贫液分流比、再生塔温度和循环吸收剂总流量)的灵敏度优化分析。研究结果表明,与传统的胺法脱碳流程对比可知,最佳三塔半贫液胺法脱碳流程的总等量功降低了45.47%,且净化气中CO2摩尔分数为1.97%,满足GB 17820-2018《天然气》对商品气的气质要求。 
关键词:  高酸性天然气  三塔脱碳流程  工艺优化  流程等量功
Design of amine decarbonization process for high CO2 content natural gas
Fan Minglong, Hua Yihuai, Su Qingbo
Research & Development Center, CNOOC Gas & Power Group, Beijing, China
As a mature and feasible decarbonization technology, alcohol-amine method has the shortcoming of high energy consumption in regeneration. Based on the traditional amine decarburization process, a new three tower semi-lean liquid decarbonization process with low energy consumption was designed. Using Aspen HYSYS 8.6 process simulation software, the sensitivity optimization analysis of the key process parameters(absorbent, lean/semi lean liquid split ratio, regeneration tower temperature and total flow of circulating absorbents) was carried out. The results showed that the total equivalent work of the optimal three tower semi-lean liquid amine decarbonization process reduced by 45.47% compared with the traditional amine decarbonization process, and the mole fraction of CO2 in the purified gas was 1.97%, which met the gas quality requirements of GB 17820-2018 Natural Gas.
Key words:  high acid natural gas  three tower decarbonization process  process optimization  process equivalent work