引用本文:马崇彦. 液硫池废气加氢回收利用技术研究与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(2): 30-34.
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为了节能减排,降低天然气净化厂排放烟气中SO2质量浓度,利用中压蒸汽作为动力,通过抽射器将液硫池废气抽入加氢反应器;在硫磺回收单元100%负荷下,对加氢反应器床层温度、烟气中SO2含量进行了研究。结果 表明:加氢反应器床层温升40 ℃,烟气中SO2质量浓度减排超过100 mg/m3,加氢反应器硫转化性能以及水解性能正常,提高了整体硫回收率,降低了液硫中H2S的含量,为同类硫磺回收装置降低SO2排放提供了参考。 
关键词:  液硫池  SO2  加氢反应器  减排
Research and application of hydrogenation recovery utilization technology for waste gas from liquid sulfur pool
Ma Chongyan
Sinopec Dazhou Natural Gas Purification Co., Ltd., Dazhou, Sichuan, China
In order to save energy and reduce emission and SO2 mass concentration in discharged flue gas of natural gas purification plant, the waste gas from liquid sulfur pool was pumped into hydrogenation reactor by using medium pressure steam as power. Under 100% load of sulfur recovery unit, the bed temperature of hydrogenation reactor and sulfur dioxide content in flue gas were studied. The results showed that the bed temperature of hydrogenation reactor was raised by 40 ℃ and sulfur dioxide mass concentration in flue gas decreased over 100 mg/m3. The sulfur conversion performance and hydrolysis performance of hydrogenation reactor were normal. The total recovery rate of sulfur was improved and the content of hydrogen sulfide in liquid sulfur was reduced. It can provide a reference to reduce SO2 emission for similar sulfur recovery process units.
Key words:  liquid sulfur pool  sulfur dioxide  hydrogenation reactor  emission reduction