引用本文:宫彦双,谷坛,安超,张爱良,廖柯熹. 基于Pearson相关系数的集输管道流动腐蚀主控因素分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(2): 93-99.
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1.中国石油塔里木油田分公司油气工程研究院 ;2.中国石油天然气股份有限公司规划总院;3.西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院
油气田集输管道腐蚀穿孔直接影响油田的安全、环境和生产,明确管道腐蚀的主控因素至关重要。采用多相流瞬态模拟软件OLGA建立管道的里程-高程模型,模拟管道内部流动状态,如温度、压力、持液率、壁面剪切力、气液相流速等参数,利用Pearson相关系数确定影响腐蚀的主控因素,结果表明:随着里程的增加,温度、压力和持液率呈现降低的趋势与腐蚀速率的规律一致,气液壁面剪切力和气液流速随着里程的增加呈现逐渐升高的趋势,但整体规律与腐蚀速度规律一致;影响集输管道腐蚀的主要因素是持液率(0.626),其次是气体流速(0.591),为油气集输管道“一管一策”的针对性实施提供了依据。 
关键词:  集输管道  OLGA  多相流计算  Pearson相关系数
Analysis of main control factors for flow corrosion of gathering and transportation pipeline based on Pearson correlation coefficient
Gong Yanshuang1, Gu Tan2, An Chao1, Zhang Ailiang1, Liao Kexi3
1. Oil and Gas Engineering Research Institute of PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, Kuerle, Xinjiang, China;2. PetroChina Planning and Engineering Institute, Beijing, China;3. Petroleum Engineering School, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
The corrosion and perforation of gathering and transportation pipeline can directly affect the safety, environment and production of oilfield. It is important to define the main control factors of pipeline corrosion. The multi-phase flow transient simulation software OLGA is used to establish the mileage-elevation model of the pipeline. The internal flow state of the pipeline is simulated and some parameters are obtained, which include temperature, pressure, liquid holding rate, wall shear force, gas-liquid flow rate, etc. The Pearson correlation coefficient is used to determine the main control factor that affect corrosion. The results show that:with the increase of mileage, the temperature, pressure and liquid holding rate show a decreasing trend, the same as the law of corrosion rate. The gas-liquid wall shear force and gas-liquid flow rate show a gradual increase trend with the increase of mileage, but the overall law is consistent with the corrosion rate law. The factor affecting the gathering pipeline corrosion is liquid holding rate (0.626), followed by gas flow rate (0.591), which can provide a decision-making basis for pipeline “one pipe one strategy” integrity management.
Key words:  gathering pipeline  OLGA  multiphase flow calculation  Pearson correlation coefficient