引用本文:赵迪,符剑刚,王晓波. 浮选法处理油基钻屑实验研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(2): 127-132.
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油基钻屑因组成复杂、处理难度大,成为固废处理领域主要难题之一。在组成和性质分析的基础上,采用浮选法处理油基钻屑。通过单因素实验考察了磨矿时间、浮选时间、捕收剂用量和抑制剂用量对油基钻屑浮选效果的影响。结果 表明:磨矿时间18 min、浮选时间35 min、捕收剂用量1 400 g/t、抑制剂用量1 600 g/t,浮选尾矿的含油率降至0.54%,浮选精矿的发热量达到17.15 MJ/kg;FTIR及SEM分析表明,浮选处理油基钻屑效果明显,油组分与钻屑基本分离,重晶石大量富集于尾矿中。浮选精矿和尾矿满足SY/T 7301-2016规定的处理要求,精矿经燃料化后可以制成燃料,尾矿回收重晶石后用作油田道路建设的基础材料。该方法为油基钻屑的无害化处理及资源化利用提供了新思路。 
关键词:  油基钻屑  浮选  单因素实验  无害化  资源化
Research on the treatment of oil-based drilling cuttings by flotation
Zhao Di, Fu Jiangang, Wang Xiaobo
College of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering of Central South University, Changsha, Hunan, China
Treating oil-based drilling cuttings has become one of the main challenges in the field of solid waste treatment because of its complex composition and difficult disposal. Based on the composition and property analysis, the oil-based drilling cuttings were treated by flotation. The influences of grinding time, flotation time, collector dosage and inhibitor dosage on flotation effect were investigated by single factor test. The results show that residual oil rate of flotation tailings decreased to 0.54%, and the calorific value of concentrates can reach 17.15 MJ/kg under the conditions:18 min of grinding time, 35 min of flotation time, 1 400 g/t of collector dosage and 1 600 g/t of depressant dosage. FTIR and SEM analysis show that the effect of flotation treatment of oil-based drilling cuttings is obvious, oil and cuttings are separated and barite is enriched in tailings. The concentrates and tailings meet the disposal requirements stipulated in SY/T 7301-2016. In the meantime, the flotation concentrates can be made into fuel after disposal and the flotation tailings can be used as basic material for road construction in oil field after recovering barite, which provides a new idea for harmless treatment and resource utilization of oil-based drilling cuttings.
Key words:  oil-based drilling cuttings  flotation  single factor test  harmless  resource