引用本文:董丁,陈亮,刘晓丽,卢彦珍,钟世坤. 球磨辅助化学热洗处理含聚油泥的研究[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(2): 120-126.
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1.克拉玛依市新奥达石油技术服务有限公司 ;2.中国石油新疆油田分公司实验检测研究院 ;3.中国石油集团川庆钻探工程有限公司国际工程公司
采用球磨辅助化学热洗处理含聚油泥中的矿物油,考察球磨配合4种无机盐7种表面活性剂作用于含聚油泥的除油效果,通过调整复配药剂含量、反应液温度、料液比和球磨时间,最终确定了含聚油泥除油配方和除油条件。实验结果表明,碱性无机盐和非离子表面活性剂复配处理含聚油泥除油效果显著,阴离子表面活性剂其次,阳离子表面活性剂几乎无效果。以100 g含聚油泥(含油质量分数42.8%)为例,球磨辅助复配药剂处理含聚油泥除油率最高达97.5%。其中,复配药剂组成为NaOH、JFC-G和H-66,其复配比例6∶4∶1,复配药剂质量分数0.40%,含聚油泥除油温度75 ℃,料液比1∶5,球磨时间30~40 min。 
关键词:  球磨  化学药剂  含聚油泥  化学热洗
Study on the treatment of polymer-containing sludge by chemical hot washing assisted with ball milling
Dong Ding1, Chen Liang1, Liu Xiaoli2, Lu Yanzhen1, Zhong Shikun3
1. Karamay Xin’aoda Petroleum Technology Service Co., Ltd., Karamay, Xinjiang, China;2. Research Institute of Experiment and Testing, PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Karamay, Xiinjiang, China;3. International Engineering Company of CNPC Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co., Ltd, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
This paper used chemical hot washing assisted with ball milling to treat mineral oil in polymer-containing sludge, and investigated the degreasing effect of 4 kinds of inorganic salts and 7 kinds of surfactants on polymer containing sludge with ball mill assisted. By adjusting the concentration of chemicals, the temperature of reaction liquid, radio of the material to liquid and the time of ball milling, the degreasing formula and degreasing conditions of the polymer-containing sludge are finally determined. The experimental results show that the combined treatment of alkaline inorganic salt and non-ionic surfactant has a significant degreasing effect on polymer-containing sludge. Anionic surfactants are worse, and cationic surfactants have almost no degreasing effect. Taking 100 g polymer-containing sludge (oil content of 42.8 wt%) as an example, the highest oil removal rate of 97.5% was obtained by compound chemicals assisted with ball milling, and the composition of the chemicals are NaOH, JFC-G and H-66, the mixed ratio is 6∶4∶1, the concentration of the compound chemicals is 0.40 wt%, the temperature of reaction liquid is 75 ℃, the material to liquid ratio is 1∶5, and the ball milling time is 30-40 min.
Key words:  ball milling  chemical  polymer-containing sludge  chemical hot washing