引用本文:艾先婷,贺越,强璐,辛毅超,贺康. 延长油田高含水油井井筒结蜡速率预测模型优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(3): 85-89.
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结蜡速率计算是预测油井结蜡的关键参数,目前针对油井井筒的结蜡速率预测模型相对较少,且大多以机理模型为主,计算参数众多,现场应用不便。延长油田油井含水率普遍较高,常用的普适性经验模型预测准确度低。因此,重新考虑含水率对结蜡速率的影响,开展了含水率对结蜡速率影响的室内研究,基于实验数据与简化后的经验公式,拟合了含水率分别为<30%、30%~70%、>70%时的计算系数,建立了适用于延长油田的结蜡预测模型。并利用现场10口井的实际结蜡数据对模型准确度进行了验证,准确率为87.7%。结果 表明,该模型具有较高的预测精度,可为延长油田结蜡速率预测提供可靠支撑。 
关键词:  井筒  结蜡模型  含水率  延长油田
Prediction model optimization of wellbore wax deposition in high water cut wells in Yanchang oilfield
Ai Xianting, He Yue, Qiang Lu, Xin Yichao, He Kang
Research Center for Exploration and Development Technology,Yanchang Oilfield, Yan’an, Shaanxi, China
Accurate prediction of wax deposition rate is vital for oil wells. Most of wax deposition rate prediction models are based on mechanism models, with many calculation parameters and inconvenient to be applied in field at present. The water cut is generally high in Yanchang oilfield, the prediction accuracy of common empirical model is low. In this paper, an experimental study of the effect of water cut on wax deposition rate was carried out. Basing on the experimental data and common empirical formula, the calculated coefficients of different water content ranges of <30%, 30%-70% and >70% were fitted, a wax deposition rate prediction model suitable for Yanchang oilfield was established..Comparing the new model with actual data, it has prediction accuracy of 87.7% with 10 wells. The results show that the model has high prediction accuracy, and the research can provide a theoretical support for the prediction of wax deposition in Yanchang oilfield.
Key words:  wellbore  wax deposition model  water cut  Yanchang oilfield