引用本文:李松,张华礼,王萌,张曦,周长林,胡秋筠. 裂缝型碳酸盐岩储层暂堵转向酸压实验评价与工艺优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(3): 90-95.
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1.中国石油西南油气田公司工程技术研究院 ;2.国家能源高含硫气藏开采研发中心;3.中国石油勘探开发研究院
四川盆地茅口组储层天然裂缝发育程度不同,非均质性强,均匀布酸困难,导致储层目标层段改造不均匀,影响单井储层改造效果。为提升强非均质裂缝型储层的整体改造效果,基于3D打印裂缝岩板模拟技术,模拟研究了不同完井方式下非机械方式暂堵转向工艺,优选了耐温、承压能力的暂堵转向材料,评价了不同裂缝下暂堵转向材料含量、粒径组合等设计参数及其封堵能力。实验结果表明:优选的暂堵材料承压达15 MPa,150 ℃降解率>98%,适用于四川盆地茅口组裂缝型储层条件;针对射孔完井的暂堵球投球总数需为炮眼数的1.1~1.3倍,暂堵纤维和2 mm暂堵颗粒组合可有效封堵3 mm裂缝,并明确了暂堵纤维及暂堵颗粒设计加量。暂堵转向实验评价丰富了强非均质裂缝型储层非机械方式均匀改造技术,为提高单井储层改造效率及现场施工提供了理论依据。 
关键词:  茅口组  碳酸盐岩  裂缝型储层  暂堵转向  酸化
Experimental evaluation and process optimization of temporary plugging to acid-frac in fractured carbonate reservoirs
Li Song1,2, Zhang Huali1,2, Wang Meng3, Zhang Xi1, Zhou Changlin1, Hu Qiuyun1
1. Research Institute of Engineering Technology , PetroChina Southwest Oil and Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. National Energy R & D Center of High sulfur Gas Exploitation, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;3. Research Institute of PetroChina Petroleum Exploration & Development, Beijing, China
The Maokou formation is widespread in Sichuan Basin, and the characteristics of different areas is varied. The natural fractures are developed in different degrees, the formation heterogeneity is strong, and homo for which the formation can not be sufficiently stimulated by acidizing. It affects the effectiveness of reservoir stimulation. In order to advance the whole stimulation effect of heterogeneous fractured reservoir, the 3D printing is applied to manufacturing the rock plates for experiments. The temporary acidizing technology of different well completions are simulated by experiments. The temporary materials are optimized, which present the performance of high temperature tolerance and pressurization. The best concentration, size grading and plugging capacity of temporary materials are evaluated by experiments. The results show that optimization temporary materials can take up load of 15 MPa, and its degradation can reach 98% at 150 ℃, which are fit for the Maokou formation in Sichuan Basin. The number of temporary ball used for plugging perforation is 1.1-1.3 times of bullet hole numbers, the grouping of temporary fiber and 2 mm particles can successfully plug the 3 mm fracture, and the proportion of grouping is defined. The experiments of temporary acidizing enriches the technologies of non-mechanical uniform acidizing for strong heterogeneous fractured reservoir, which is helpful for improving the stimulation efficiency of gas well and provides a guide of acidizing design for working site.
Key words:  Maokou formation  carbonate reservoir  fractured formation  temporary plugging  acidizing