引用本文:高明,苏昊,冯志远,马军. Aspen HYSYS酸性气流体包的应用及有机硫计算分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(4): 39-46.
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Aspen HYSYS酸性气流体包的应用及有机硫计算分析
1.中国石油四川石化有限责任公司南充综合管理中心;2.中国石油云南石化有限公司生产一部 ;3.中山大学化学工程与技术学院;4.中国石油四川石化有限责任公司综合检查站
利用某高含有机硫天然气净化装置的工程设计数据,用HYSYS软件v7.3和v9.0对Amine、DBR Amine和Acid Gas等3种醇胺法流体包进行了1级和2级吸收塔及再生塔的对比分析。结果 表明:Amine及DBR Amine流体包不适用于COS的计算,用于板式塔计算时仅能用于单通道;用于填料塔计算时需将填料换算成对应的塔板数。HYSYS v8.3版本以后才新增的Acid Gas流体包可用于多达4通道板式塔、多种类型的填料塔计算。Amine/DBR Amine中的Kent-Eisenberg及Li-Mather模型与Acid Gas中的Chen模型计算精度没有明显差异,但Chen模型适用范围更广,可用于高含有机硫系统的计算。 
关键词:  HYSYS  酸气处理  速率法  Amine流体包  Acid Gas流体包
Application of acid gas fluid packages in Aspen HYSYS and analysis and calculation of organic sulfur
Gao Ming1, Su Hao2, Feng Zhiyuan3, Ma Jun4
1. Nanchong Management Center, PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Company Limited, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. Production Division Ⅰ of PetroChina Yunnan Petrochemical Company Limited, Kunming, Yunnan, China;3. School of Chemical Engineering and Technology, Sun Yat-sen University, Zhuhai, Guangdong, China;4. PetroChina Sichuan Petrochemical Company Limited, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Based on the process design data of a high organic sulfur natural gas purification unit, this paper compares and analyzes three kinds of Amine packages, including Amine, DBR Amine and Acid Gas in HYSYS v7.3 and v9.0. The results show that Amine and DBR Amine packages are not suitable for the calculation of high organic sulfur containing gases, and can only be used in single flow path tray. When they are used in packed column, it is necessary to convert into the corresponding actual plate number by experience. The electrolyte NRTL model in Acid Gas package, which appeared after HYSYS v8.3, can be used for calculation of up to 4-flow path tray, various types of packed column, and high organic sulfur containing gas. The results of Kent Eisenberg and Li-Mather models in Amine/DBR Amine are not significantly different from those of Chen model in Acid Gas package, but the range of application of Chen model is larger than that of Kent-Eisenberg and Li-Mather model, which can be used to calculate high organic sulfur system.
Key words:  HYSYS  acid gas treatment  rate-based method  Amine fluid package  Acid Gas fluid package