引用本文:杨普,蓝家文,盛斌. 天然气净化厂硫磺回收装置停产除硫过程分析与优化[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(4): 47-52.
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1.西南石油大学石油与天然气工程学院 ;2.中国石油西南油气田公司川东北作业分公司 ;3.中国石油西南油气田公司天然气净化总厂
在日益严格的环保形势下,控制天然气净化厂硫磺回收装置停产除硫过程中的SO2排放对达标生产尤为重要。通过对停产除硫过程进行分析,就除硫程度、除硫时间及除硫期间SO2排放量等因素进行分析与探讨,对常用硫磺回收工艺装置提出了停产除硫优化方案。实践结果表明:在超级克劳斯工艺末级可控地投入超级克劳斯反应器,能明显降低排放尾气中SO2质量浓度;带SCOT尾气处理单元的常规克劳斯装置,在安全可控的状态下投用尾气处理单元,能够提高硫回收率,减少SO2排放;低温克劳斯工艺通过优化切换频次等操作,能明显降低SO2排放速率,实现了高效低排的除硫效果。上述探讨与实践可为生产运行优化和推广应用提供参考与建议。 
关键词:  停产除硫  除硫效果  SO2减排  克劳斯工艺  惰性气体
Analysis and optimization of sulfur removal process during shutdown of sulfur recovery unit in natural gas purification plant
Yang Pu1, Lan Jiawen2, Sheng Bin3
1. Petroleum Engineering School, Southwest Petroleum University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China;2. CDB Operating Company, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Dazhou, Sichuan, Chian;3. Natural Gas Purification Plant General, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chongqing, China
Under the increasingly stringent environmental protection situation, it is particularly important to control SO2 emission during the shutdown of sulfur recovery unit in natural gas purification plant. Based on the analysis of the sulfur removal process during shutdown, the factors such as the degree of sulfur removal, the time of sulfur removal and the amount of SO2 emission during sulfur removal were analyzed and discussed. For the common sulfur recovery process units, the optimization scheme of sulfur removal during shutdown was put forward. The results showed that the mass concentration of SO2 emission could be significantly reduced when the super Claus reactor was put into the final stage; the conventional Claus unit with Scot tail gas treatment unit could improve the sulfur recovery rate and reduce SO2 emission when the tail gas treatment unit was put into operation in a safe and controllable state. Low temperature Claus process could significantly reduce the SO2 emission rate by optimizing the switching frequency and other operations, and achieve high efficiency and low emission sulfur removal effect. The above discussion and practice could provide reference and suggestions for the production operation optimization and application.
Key words:  sulfur removal during shutdown  sulfur removal effect  SO2 emission reduction  Claus process  inert gas