引用本文:常宏岗. 天然气制氢技术及经济性分析[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(4): 53-57.
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氢能是当前最有前景的清洁能源之一,天然气制氢是目前全球最主要的制氢方式,重点介绍和分析了主要制氢技术路线天然气水蒸气转化制氢,该工艺主要包括水蒸汽重整转化、合成气变换及变压吸附三个单元;同时还介绍了非水蒸气转化制氢路线,包括甲烷部分氧化法制氢、天然气催化裂解制氢及CH4/CO2干重整制氢。比较了几种制氢技术的经济性。目前,虽然煤制氢的成本优于天然气制氢,但随着天然气开采技术的进步,未来天然气制氢有可能成为国内最主要的制氢技术路线。 
关键词:  氢能  制氢技术  天然气制氢  技术经济性
Technical and economic analysis of hydrogen production from natural gas
Chang Honggang
Research Institute of Natural Gas Technology, PetroChina Southwest Oil & Gasfield Company, Chengdu, Sichuan, China
Hydrogen energy is one of the most promising clean energy, hydrogen production from natural gas is the most important way of hydrogen production in the world at present. This paper emphatically introduces and analyzes the main technical route of hydrogen production from steam reforming, which mainly includes three units:water steam reforming transformation, synthesis gas transformation and pressure swing adsorption(PSA), and also introduces hydrogen production route from the non-water steam transformation, including partial oxidation of methane, catalytic cracking of natural gas and dry reforming of CH4/CO2. The economy of several hydrogen production technologies are compared. The cost of hydrogen production from coal is currently better than that from natural gas. However, with the progress of natural gas extraction technology, hydrogen production from natural gas may become the most important route of hydrogen production technology in the future.
Key words:  hydrogen energy  hydrogen production technology  hydrogen production from natural gas  technical economy