引用本文:姚茂堂,袁学芳,黄龙藏,彭芬,任登峰,谢向威. 高温高压裂缝性致密砂岩气藏水锁伤害及解除[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(4): 96-99.
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针对塔里木油田库车山前裂缝性致密砂岩气藏水锁伤害问题,通过室内实验评价、微观机理论证和现场生产分析,在储层高温高压下开展水锁伤害程度和解除措施研究,明确高温高压下的水锁伤害率为7.5%~40.8%,伤害程度为无-中等偏弱;添加防水剂只能小幅度降低水锁,不能消除水锁,但水锁可随生产自动解除。对水锁伤害和解除取得的新认识有效支撑了库车山前改造液体系的优化,现场应用降本增效显著。 
关键词:  致密砂岩气藏  水锁伤害  水锁解除  水锁
Study on water lock damage and release of high temperature and high pressure fractured tight sandstone gas reservoir
Yao Maotang1, Yuan Xuefang1, Huang Longcang1, Peng Fen1, Ren Dengfeng1, Xie Xiangwei2
1. Oil & Gas Project Research Institute of PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, Kurle, Xingjiang, China;2. Exploration Division of PetroChina Tarim Oilfield Company, Kurle, Xingjiang, China
Aiming at the disputes and concerns about water lock damage of fractured tight sandstone gas reservoir of Kuqa mountain front in Tarim oilfield, in this paper, by using laboratory experiment evaluation, microscopic mechanism demonstration and on-site production analysis, the damage degree and relief measures of water lock under high temperature and pressure are studied. It is cleared that the damage rate of water lock is 7.5%-40.8% under high temperature and high pressure conditions, and the damage degree is non-moderate and weak. The water lock are reduced slightly by adding waterproofing agent, which can not be eliminated, but it can be automatically removed with production. In this paper, a new understanding of water lock damage and release is obtained, which effectively supported the optimization of Kuqa piedmont transformation fluid system, and the field application has a significant effect of reducing cost and increasing efficiency.
Key words:  tight sandstone gas reservoir  water blocking damage  water lock release  water lock