引用本文:谢俊辉,王成平,尹辉,唐晓川,韩慧玲,龙沙沙,等. 吉木萨尔页岩油老井重复压裂技术研究与应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(4): 100-103.
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新疆油田分公司吉木萨尔页岩油芦草沟组储层具有低孔低渗、边底水不发育、油层薄且层理面发育、油质稠等特征。前期通过裸眼封隔器完井分级压裂改造技术实现了部分单井新投高产,但对裸眼封隔器完井水平井的重复压裂改造缺乏有效工艺。针对以上问题,开展了多级暂堵重复压裂技术研究。通过对影响技术关键的暂堵剂进行实验研究,发现暂堵剂A具有抗压60 MPa以上、6天内溶解率在3%以下等优点。筛选出的暂堵剂A配套重复压裂工艺现场试验效果较好,典型井吉XXX_H实施井压后,自喷生产日产油量47.5 t。该技术打破了认为裸眼封隔器水平井不能重复压裂的传统观点,为国内外同类油藏和同类工艺提供了借鉴。 
关键词:  裸眼封隔器  重复压裂  暂堵剂
Research and application of refracturing technology in old wells of Jimsar shale oil
Xie Junhui1, Wang Chengping2, Yin Hui1, Tang Xiaochuan1, Han Huiling1, Long Shasha1, Li Xinming1
1.Zhundong Oil Production Plant of PetroChina Xinjiang Oilfield Company, Fukang, Xinjiang, China;2. PetroChina Chuanqing Drilling Engineering Co., Ltd., Chengdu, Sichuan, China
The Lucaogou Formation reservoir of Jimusar shale oil in Xinjiang Oilfield Company has the characteristics of low porosity and low permeability, no developmental edge and bottom water, thin oil layer with well developed bedding plane, and thick oil quality. In the early stage, the open-hole packer completion fracturing technology had realized the new production and high yield of some single wells, but there was a lack of effective refracturing technology for open-hole packer completion horizontal wells. Aiming at the above problems, the research on multi-stage temporary plugging and refracturing technology was carried out. Through the experimental study on the key temporary plugging agent, it was found that the temporary plugging agent A had the advantages of pressure bearing of more than 60 MPa and dissolution rate of less than 3% within 6 days. The field test results of the selected temporary plugging agent A was good, and the oil output of typical well Ji XXX_H after fracturing was 47.5 t per day. This technology breaks the traditional idea that open-hole packer horizontal wells cannot be refractured, and provides a reference for similar reservoirs and similar processes at home and abroad.
Key words:  open-hole packer  refracturing  temporary plugging agent