引用本文:高秋英,孙海礁,郭玉洁,刘强,刘英坤,王赟. 清管工艺配合缓蚀剂对长距离酸气管道腐蚀行为的影响[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(4): 104-108.
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1.中国石化西北油田分公司;2.中国石油化工集团公司碳酸盐岩缝洞型油藏提高采收率重点实验室 ;3.安科工程技术研究院(北京)有限公司;4.北京科技大学
利用自制模拟装置模拟现场清管工艺,通过腐蚀模拟和腐蚀电化学方法分析了清管及缓蚀剂加注对20#钢在管线积液模拟液中腐蚀的影响。实验结果表明:利用过盈量3%皮碗清管球清管后,20#钢试样表面的积液和固体沉积物量均减少,腐蚀速率明显降低。当往模拟液中加注缓蚀剂或者对试样进行缓蚀剂预膜后,缓蚀剂分子会在碳钢表面形成一层缓蚀膜,有效地阻碍试样与腐蚀介质的直接接触。清管配合缓蚀剂预膜使用后,腐蚀速率降低至0.029 mm/a,对碳钢的保护效果较好。
关键词:  20#钢  皮碗清管球  缓蚀剂  预膜  腐蚀速率
Effect of pigging combined with corrosion inhibitor on corrosion behavior of long-distance acid gas pipeline
Gao Qiuying1,2, Sun Haiqiao1,2, Guo Yujie1,2, Liu Qiang1,2, Liu Yingkun3, Wang Yun4
1. Northwest Oilfield Company of SINOPEC, Urumqi, Xingjiang, China;2. Key Laboratory of Enhanced Oil Recovery in Carbonate Fractured-vuggy Reservoirs, SINOPEC, Urumqi, Xingjiang, China;3. Safetech Research Institute, Co., Ltd., Beijing, China;4. University of Science and Technology, Beijing, China
The self-made simulation device was used to simulate pigging referring to oilfield technological process. The influence of pigging and inhibitor injection on the corrosion of 20# steel in simulated liquid of pipeline was analyzed by weight-loss method and corrosion electrochemical method. The results show that the amount of liquid and solid deposit on the surface of 20# steel sample are reduced after pigging with a 3% interference cup pig, and the corrosion rate is significantly reduced. When the corrosion inhibitor is added into the simulated solution or the sample is prefilmed with inhibitor, the inhibitor molecules will act on the surface of carbon steel to form a layer of corrosion inhibition film, which effectively hinders the direct contact between the sample and corrosion medium. After pigging combined with corrosion inhibitor pre-film, the corrosion rate is reduced to 0.029 mm/a, which has a good protection effect on carbon steel.
Key words:  20# steel  cap type pig  corrosion inhibitor  pre-film  corrosion rate