引用本文:杨振楠. 浅谈硫磺回收装置夹套管道的设计[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(5): 28-32.
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硫磺回收装置对石油炼化企业和煤化工企业的酸性气进行处理,合理设计装置内部夹套管道对于保证硫磺回收装置的稳定、经济运行至关重要。结合某硫磺回收装置工程实例,在符合现行国家和行业标准的基础上,优化了夹套管道材质选用、内管公称直径DN≥400 mm的夹套管组合尺寸选取以及夹套法兰、夹套阀门、夹套管管件的选型。根据现有硫磺回收装置的设计经验,对夹套管系统伴热蒸汽引入和凝结水排出、夹套管附件的伴热、液硫泵的伴热路由做了合理的配置,以实现良好的伴热效果,为硫磺回收装置夹套管道的设计提供了新的思路。 
关键词:  硫磺回收  液硫  伴热  夹套管  液硫泵
Discussion on jacket pipe design of sulfur recovery unit
Yang Zhennan
Shandong Sunway Chemical Group Co., Ltd, Qingdao, Shandong, China
Sulfur recovery unit is responsible for the acid gas treatment of the whole plant of petroleum refining and coal chemical enterprises. Reasonable design of jacket pipe is very important to ensure the stable and economic operation of sulfur recovery unit. Combined with an engineering example of sulfur recovery unit, on the basis of meeting the current national and industrial standards, the selection of jacket pipe material, jacket casing combination size with the nominal diameter of inner pipe DN being equal or greater than 400 mm, and the jacket flange, jacket valve and jacket pipe fitting were optimized. Combined with the design experience of the existing sulfur recovery device, the introduction of heat tracing steam and discharge of condensate water in the clamp casing system, the heat tracing of the clamp casing accessory and the heat tracing route of the liquid sulfur pump were rationally configured to achieve a good tracing effect, which provides a new idea for the design of the jacket pipe of sulfur recovery unit.
Key words:  sulfur recovery  liquid sulfur  heat tracing  jacket pipe  sulfur liquid pump