引用本文:王小强,程中克,李博,杨利斌. 轻质烃共裂解技术优化研究及应用[J]. 石油与天然气化工, 2021, 50(5): 33-37.
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采用BSPA乙烯原料裂解性能评价试验装置,对乙烷和丙烷共裂解技术、油田轻烃及拔头油与石脑油分组裂解和按不同掺混比例混合裂解技术进行试验研究。研究结果表明,乙烷和丙烷共裂解可提高乙烯收率和双烯收率,且掺入乙烷的质量分数不低于80%为宜。油田轻烃和拔头油适于“分储分裂”,如其储量不足且必须与石脑油混合共裂解,则掺入油田轻烃的质量分数应不低于30%,尽量≥70%;掺入拔头油的质量分数应不低于40%,尽量≥70%。将研究结果应用于工业乙烯裂解装置,取得了显著的工业应用效果。 
关键词:  乙烯  裂解  原料轻质化  共裂解
Optimization and application of light hydrocarbon co-cracking technology
Wang Xiaoqiang, Cheng Zhongke, Li Bo, Yang Libin
Lanzhou Chemical Research Center, PetroChina, Lanzhou, Gansu, China
By using BSPA ethylene feedstock cracking performance evaluation test unit,the co-cracking technology of ethane and propane, the cracking of oil field light hydrocarbon and head oil and naphtha in groups, and the mixed cracking technology with different blending ratio is studied. The results show that the yield of ethylene and diene can be increased by co-cracking of ethane and propane, and the appropriate blending ratio of ethane is not less than 80%. Oil field light hydrocarbon and head oil are suitable for “separate reserve and cracking”. If their reserves are not enough and they must be be mixed with naphtha for co-cracking, the blending ratio of oil field light hydrocarbon should be not less than 30%, as far as possible≥70%; the blending ratio of head oil should be not less than 40%, as far as possible ≥70%. The results are applied to industrial ethylene cracking unit, and the remarkable industrial application effect is obtained.
Key words:  ethylene  cracking  raw material slightening  co-cracking